the groceries left behind .... does she say 'cornish hens' ?
well, first of all, if anyone knows a list of everything they said, please provide here 'cuz it all sounded yummy, and i'm totally gonna go out and buy all that! i know that Carr's crackers go good with brie cheese, and some other kind (forgot name) similar to brie, so if that's what he means by St. Andre's cheese, i'm getting it? but if not, where would i pick up some saint andre's cheese? okay, and where does one acquire cornish hens? it must have been canned cornish hens, right? or jarred or something instant form, right? never had cornish hens b4, but used in the context of that list of yummy-sounding gourmet stuff, its GOT to be good! what i don't get is: he never said in his initial list, anything about cornish hens, did he? I rewound it twice and i didn't hear any indication of that. so why does she repeat in cornfirmation, "cornish hens?"