Am I the only one??
I had been looking forward to watching this movie for a long time and frankly, I was unbelievably disappointed.
- Despite what others are arguing here the story arch, plot, and structure are in no way original. And anyone who thinks this movie is the first to be told backwards, out of sequence, or have multiple storylines is sadly misguided. There were even several "homages" that were especially irritating and felt more lazy than artsy.
- The soundtrack was pretty bland. Maybe if they had spent less on CGI and more on a composer, this film could have evoked some level of emotion.
- On a positive note, I thought there was actually some very clever cinematography in here. Pay attention to how and when they break the 180 rule. Also, pay attention to some of the shots involving mirrors. They are quite elaborate.
- The acting was painfully average. Nothing bad, nothing stands out.
- For me, the most disappointing part of this film was it's blatant lack of emotion. This goes back to a problem with the script. The audience was never given a chance to emotionally attach to Nemo. For any story, but this one especially, it is ESSENTIAL we latch on to this character and quite frankly I never cared about him. The train scene was okay and started to accomplish this (a quarter of the way into the film) but never got anywhere. It just ended. Not even a touching close-up of Nemo crying with a musical crescendo. Like, really? For some reason I have an inkling that the filmmaker felt that clearly showing eyes would do the job of attachment, but it doesn't. I have to admit though, there is some beautiful shots of eyes in here.
- All in all I couldn't care less for the character in this "character study" of a film, and essentially that's what this story was. There were some nice aspects but all in all this film is forgettable for me.
Am I missing something??