MovieChat Forums > Mr. Nobody (2013) Discussion > The Transformers of Art movies.

The Transformers of Art movies.

Imagine you are very hungry and you get into a room with a table filled with everything foodwise you like.
The table is the setting, the food is the elements of the film. All good looking and delicious and beautiful to behold.
Enters the cook (director/architect) and opens your mouth and starts shoving all of that food into your mouth. But he does so chaotically, almost at random, with no respect for the tastebuds or for his own expertise, untill you reach a point you feel disgust and anger and everything you love becomes vomiting inducing.

That is this film...


Oh, you might also say: *beep* you, you know nothing, you are ignorant, you didn't understand the movie.
To which I will respond: I understand that there was steak, salad, cake, icecream, soup, wine, etc. but it didn't make for a good meal because all of that was shoved all at once and without any coherence. All of that was thrown at me for the sake of *beep* it, let's see what happens?!".

It happened *beep*



Maybe some people just discovered that cramming steak, salad, cake, icecream, soup and wine all at once in your mouth gives a foodgasm.

10/10 for me man.

Excuse my English, I am French-Canadian


The director/cook merely presents you his creations and dishes on the table, it's up to yourself to select what to put into your mouth. The difference between a meal and a movie, is that the meal is gone once you've eaten it, while a movie can be enjoyed while being spread over multiple occasions: every time you watch it, you can select a different combination of "dishes" to enjoy.

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"
