When this is released...

Will it be big? Will it launch Drew Fuller's career? It's going to cinemas, right?


I saw this at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis. It was a special screening that the Heartland Films put on just for State Officers.

I recall hearing the director and the CEO of Heartland Films say it would possibly be out in March. I can't remember exactly, but I really think he said March.

It's a terrific movie, and it inspired our team to use the same kind of theme for our year end convention. I don't really honestly believe that it will be huge hit at the theatres, simply because there isn't huge "star power" behind it...which is really stupid in my opinion. This movie is incredible and deserves amazing recognition.

I really loved this movie. I'm hoping people will go out and see it because it's life changing stuff! Abigail (who plays the little girl in the movie) was just nominated for a Golden Globe for that other movie she did with Steve Carrell so maybe it'll have some pull!
