An upfront apology to those of you who disagree
I read this book my senior year and had several mixed feelings about it.
Although the book does in fact have an EXTREMELY important message, let's face it, it is simply poorly written and lacks the elements that create a truly captivating novel.
In all fairness, this does wonders as a self-help book, but that is simply not how it is written. It has a plot and (attempts at) diction, and should be taken likewise. The problem is that too many people are praising this book because of it's thoughtful, provokative message, no matter how boring or cliche it may be. The chapters are all basically the same and predictable at that. Even the little twists at the end of each chapter are of no surprise.
I will never consider this one of my favorite books, and will probably never read it again. This is probably because when reading this book you must NOT have the mindset to be entertained, for it fails miserably in such a way, but to people seeking answers in life, who may want to read something a little less formal, this may the book they're looking for.