MovieChat Forums > The Ultimate Gift (2007) Discussion > Christ-centered Christmas Movies

Christ-centered Christmas Movies

I love Elf, White Christmas, It's a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story as much as anyone, but I really appreciate that this film focuses on Jesus. It's on my list of CHRIST-CENTERED CHRISTMAS MOVIES, along with several others. I'd love to hear people's thoughts, as well as suggestions for any that I may have missed. Read it at: .html


Thanks for the link.

I like that ALL Christmas movies are Christ centered whether they acknowledge it or not.


Where did you see Christ mentioned in this movie? This movie was not that religious at all.



The overall theme of this film is redemption, forgiveness, and personal growth. The things that Jason had to do were not things that would give him material goods or some kind of monetary reward. Everything he did was supposed to help him grow and change as a person so he could find the best parts of himself inside himself and bring out what he'd hidden under the selfish, self-absorbed exterior. The forgiveness angle to me is sort of two-pronged. First of all despite the fact that the Grandfather is dead he is seeking Jason's forgiveness through giving him these things to do which would then allow him to become who he is meant to be. With Jason at certain point's he needed forgiveness from Emily and Alexa but he also very much had to forgive himself for all of the years he had hated his grandfather.
As far as being Christ centered how I see that is that while it is not overtly religious it is actually very spiritual b/c Jason is being given tasks from his dead grandfather and during all of this he is actually even having conversations with his grandfather and expressing his feelings. At the end of the movie he sits in a room and has an entire conversation which is extremely touching and spiritual where he talks to his grandfather and tells him that he loves him, that he misses him, and that he forgives him.

"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda
