This movie is one of the most powerful and moving films I have ever seen. This is a movie that I would recommend to anyone, but especially families. It has a message about a young man who has to find out there is more to life then money, that being apart of a family who loves you is the most important thing in life. Finding the ultimate gift is like finding your place in the world, what are you here for?, what is your purpose? There is an incredible amount of value in this message and it is something people of all ages can learn from. The acting of Abigail Breslin is yet again incredible, I think even better then Little Miss Sunshine, she completely steals the show. This movie has all the aspects of a great film, sure it's no Godfather, but its still and incredible flick.
I can't believe that I actually have to come on here and defend such a great film, I was expecting people to be raving about it considering it has such an incredible message. It's pretty sad what the movie industry has turned into today, if there’s not some obscene amount of blood or gore then it can't be any good. People can no longer accept a feel good movie for what it is, there has to be some sort of BS pop culture nonsense with no merit or value at all. And before you go off and claim that I’m some hokey pokey activist against violence and stuff, my favorite movie of all time is Pulp Fiction. All those people who are degrading this film because of the distribution company Fox Faith, you should be ashamed. First off it is clear the majority of you have not seen the film, and secondly they did not make this picture they only distributed it. It is also ridiculous that you people seem to think this is some kind of religious propaganda, there are like 3 mentions of religion in this movie, and they are all appropriate. What’s so wrong about a little girl dying of cancer to believe in God? What's so wrong about a mother who appreciates and loves her daughter, and who worked hard to support her through an impossibly painful disease as a single parent. You must be a cold heartless person if you can't see that. I'm not religious or Christian in any way and I did not feel the religious aspects of this movie where a big deal at all. Your missing the big picture here by criticizing least important part of this movie, religion.
I think you read my mind. I already posted my little soapbox rant on a different i won't repeat it again. But amen (not religiously lol) and ditto!
"Dude, no chick flick moments." Dean Winchester. Supernatural-Pilot episode
Think whatever you want, but be ashamed for saying this is a good movie just because it has a good message. A good message doesn't make a good movie. You people obviously don't know how to seperate the two, which shows what you really know about what makes a good movie. Try learning the difference, then rate this joke (despite the poorly done "good message") movie for what it deserves.
so glad to see some positives being discussed about this fantastic movie. i was moved. it really got to me, akin to how i feel each Christmas season when my family watches "It's a Wonderful Life" again. this movie is an excellent reminder of what really matters in this life. what we give to each other matters so much more than any money we make in life. for those who haven't seen this movie yet, give it a chance, see it, don't listen to the naysayers/bad reviews. this was one of the best movies i've ever seen! so glad i saw this. and i am going to see this again and i am going to buy the DVD (and I rarely buy DVDs). Congrats to the movie makers of this treat ... job so well done!
I'm a Christian, but I didn't go to this movie believing it would be about Christianity. I read what the movie was about, but was unaware it was distributed by Fox Faith until I saw the film. I saw only a couple of references to faith in God, and enjoyed the fact that there wasn't any foul language or uncomfortable scenes. But I wouldn't call this a "Christian" film. It simply put out the message that you should give of yourself to others -- the "Ultimate Gift".
And I totally agree with you about these posters who haven't even seen it. They have no right commenting on a film they've only read about. SEE it, then we'll listen to what you have to say about it!
thanks, so agree, too! i, too, read about what the plot was about, then saw the movie because i was curious about the plot idea. it never once occurred to me -- is this a religious movie or not? i loved how the message of the story and the transformation of the character, his growth, etc., just got to me. i'm still thinking and pondering about the story and wanting more. i walked away from the movie thinking WOW and pondering over how can i make my life better in the lives of those i know. movie made me think about my life -- how can i re-evaluate it to be a better person in the lives of those i know and in the lives of those i haven't even met yet. made me consider more about the things and relationships that i am wasting my time and energies in. if something/someone isn't really good for you, perhaps this is time to purge certain things/people from your life. i think we're supposed to be engaged in healthy things/people in our lives mostly. if some things and relationships aren't really healthy for us anymore, shouldn't we make some changes for the better? i think so.
two things have been sticking in my head since seeing this movie. we DESERVE to be treated well by our families and friends. we are not to be doormats to be walked all over, taken advantage of. if we are not treated well by the special people, maybe some aren't supposed to be in our circle anymore (unless some significant and healthy changes can be made). the other thing that has been sticking in my head these last few days since watching this movie JOURNEY, is "... sometimes when we give something up, we find something much better." think about it. let that settle in. ponder. sometimes, i think we can get so wrapped up in (obesessed even, maybe not even consciously obsessed) with a something or a someone in our lives ... that we can actually fail to notice the others around us, we can be blind. i think sometimes, we can think we want and need something or someone so bad in our lives (i'm talking about the unhealthy things and people if we are really honest with ourselves), that we will maybe unconsciously put up with some bad stuff, and overlook, rationalize, justify, etc.
i am trying to literally smell the roses more, notice more around me, notice the others who i really didn't pay any attention to before. i know i am rambling, but i really value that this movie is making me re-evaluate my life and is making me want to strive to be a better person. what a fantastic message this movie presented. and if a story can stick in your soul and make you want to do better in your life and in the lives of those you touch, there is real opportunity for growth and meaning here. it's all good. God bless.
PS. also agree, if someone hasn't actually SEEN this movie, they have no business writing an opinion about it. that is like someone trying to write an autobiography about a life that they didn't live. can't do it.
oh, you made me smile with your comment "you are my new best friend!" thank you for that.
i have been raving about this movie to anybody who will listen to me since we saw this last week. i wish this movie could get the kind of attention that it deserves. i look forward to seeing another movie by this director/writer/producer/distributor.
I totally agree, Kathleen! My husband and I saw it on my birthday last week. I had read about the film and told him about it. We were so happy we went! I checked out this message board hoping to see others who loved it as well, but found so many who run it into the ground without even seeing it. It was nice reading your post and I appreciate the comments you made, especially about applying the meaning of "Ultimate Gift" to all aspects of your life. I've been thinking more along those lines myself since seeing it.
Thanks again. I wish you all of life's richest blessings!!
well happy birthday to you mindy! does that make you 36 y/o? thanks for your awesome comments.
okay, i want to talk about some of the tests/gifts in the story. let's look at the gift of friendship if you like.
i think this was the first time i ever saw a movie just "cut and dried" deal with friendship. to see in one day when faced with problems how jason really didn't have ANY friends (he just had people clinging on to his money) ... that was powerful. nobody would help him once he had no money easily accessible. i never really thought about that before how people who have loads of money may not always know if they have true friends or just people mostly who want $$ from them. we (hubby and i) have, i guess normal lives, modest incomes, modest home, are not corrupted by loads of money. loads of money has never interested me -- that has never been my goal in life. overall, i have enjoyed my career for the past almost 20 years, but have never been interested in material possessions.
i think, honestly, the best part of life, what makes us the richest are the special relationships that we are LUCKY enough to get to be a part of in this life. when i watched jason and saw that he really did not have ANY, not even one friend, at that point in his life (even though he was rich money-wise), i felt sorry for him that he had let this happen to him, that he didn't know yet how to truly value people, ... and i felt so rich, so richly blessed for the special people who i am grateful to have in my life. "my cup runneth over" for my loved ones. i guess, it is easy at times to take things and your people for granted, and it sometimes takes your experiences (or experiences of others, including movies/stories) to REMIND you how blessed you are. i don't want to forget to be GRATEFUL for my blessings of the people who touch my life. i had GRATEFUL put on my license plate on my truck this year because i wanted to remind myself to be grateful for the blessings in life, God/religion/relationships.
here is a good quote ... "he who has much is not rich, he who gives much is rich." this story further helped to remind me lately of what/who matter the most in my life.
what did you think of the gift of friendship presented in this story?
all things good to you this day. blessings to you as well, kathleen
I can't believe that I actually have to come on here and defend such a great film
You don't have to defend anything. This movie stands on its own merits. It's a wonderful film. Sure it's heavy-handed at times but so what? I enjoyed it in every way possible.
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This movie was incredibly obscene. Frankly, I think that Christians should be offended by it. It pretends to wear all these "good ol" Christian American family values, but in the end, it subscribes to a terrifyingly hypocritical take on white, upper-class morality.
I got three messages from this film: 1) The homeless and poor are after your money. By helping other people defend their money from the poor you can make friends with them. This is, of course, unless you need to alleviate that upper-class guilt, in which case you should travel to a third-world country of your choice, do a good deed, and let your mind rest. 2) Little kids dying of cancer is sad. 3) If you learn that family is more important than money and do some hard work for a month, then it's OKAY to inherit 2 billion dollars worth of stock in oil companies without earning it.
Whatever. Tell that to the migrant Mexican workers that guy had finish his fence job. I believe there's a quote somewhere in the Bible from this Jesus guy saying something like "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven."
This movie did not in the least bit offend me as a Christian. However, your post certainly did. You're ignorant if you believe this is a "Christian" movie. Just because it was put out by Fox Faith doesn't mean it represents the Christian faith per-say. This was simply a movie about morals and doing the right thing by sacrificing yourself for the sake of others. No where in the movie was the Gospel of Christ given. Just because someone is moral, that doesn't make them a Christian.
What offends me most in your post is this statement: "I believe there's a quote somewhere in the Bible from this Jesus guy saying ... ". That is my Lord and Savior. Someday you're going to face "this Jesus guy", whether you believe it or not. I don't go around saying "that Allah dude" or "that Buddha guy", or whatever other dead god people worship.
By the way, I'm not sure why you had to mention it, but little kids dying of cancer IS sad. I know this first-hand.
My question is: why would a bleeding-heart liberal atheist like you want to see a movie (mistakenly) labeled as a "Christian" movie? THAT seems backwards to me.
i think people either "get this" movie or they don't get it. if they don't get it, i don't think they are the kind of people i want to be around. they are probably self-absorbed people who don't think of others very much and aren't very willing to sacrifice for others (loved ones and more).
i read somewhere recently that one will truly get a lot out of this story/movie if one is "ready" to get it -- to listen to the message and meaning of this story. i love how someone wrote recently how this is not just a "feel good" movie, this is a "i want to do better" movie. great point they made there.
i am bummed. the movie is out of the theaters now here and i wanted to see it one more time before it left the theater. it was in the theater house for such a short time. that's not fair how some stupid low class movies will stay in the theater so much longer typically.
so glad i happened upon this great story. one of the best movies i have ever seen. ranks up there with "it's a wonderful life" and "the sound of music" for me.
"it's never too late to realize what's most important in your life."
Thanks for the kudos for my recent post. I'm sure the person I replied to will come back with some snarky remarks, but it's like you said; you either "get" this movie or you don't. Obviously, they didn't.
As soon as it's out on DVD, I'll be buying it. I told some family members about it, but they weren't able to get to see it in time. I totally agree -- it's up there with "It's a Wonderful Life", which I feel is a must in any DVD collection.
hi mindy -- you are quite welcome. i call it like i see it. greetings to you in "the lower 48" (that's what states are called below alaska on the map). :)
we own "it's a wonderful life," too, and every thanksgiving day we pull it out and watch it again. it's always gets to me even though i have seen it probably every year since i was a kid. i love that how certain stories/movies/songs/cherished loved ones, etc can just get to you like that and help remind you to be grateful for the many blessings/"gifts" we have.
i watched "the ultimate gift" with a gal friend. of course you know i loved it and can not say enough praise about it. i was bummed that i could not talk my husband into watching it with me again. he really missed out. i will try to get him to see it when i buy the DVD.
we are starting to warm up in alaska. i am enjoying the sun so much. we love living here and can not imagine living anywhere else. if you ever get a chance to visit alaska, highly recommend you visit in the spring/summer timeframe. you will be amazed at the beauty of alaska and in the sun that doesn't go down much during summer.
I love your post. You don't have to be Christian to get or understand this movie but it certainly helps. I'd say this movie directly isn't a Christian movie that shoves it down your throat but I do believe like many movies its based off of Christian values and morals in the end that make it more enjoyable. Being Christian is great, and I love it. "Who says you can just jump, punch, and kick in this game?" Being Christian doesnt just mean you have to restrict yourself to certain things, I mean hack God put us here for a reason so live life, live it good, and be happy while praising God and giving people The Ultimate Gift. The movie Pay It Forward had a great message too, I recommend that. And lastly I do encourage non-Christians to be Christians, its great living at its best.
I'm not an atheist. I used the phrase "Jesus guy" to make a point by being facetious. I don't even consider this a Christian movie.
My point was simply that the teachings of Jesus as outlined in the Bible have been continually muddied, re-worded, and manipulated, and I saw this movie as yet another example of blasphemy towards his true message.
Sure there are some superficially positive messages in the film, but I find they were completely undermined by the ending.
Also, in a less analytical note, this movie was also just horribly made.
I agree, it is a mediocre film that apparently appeals to the general public. What baffles me is that the Red Stevens character is supposedly this loving, altruistic man and yet managed to rear a selfish, hateful brood; doesn't make much sense. Everything about the film was pretty contrived, had the stamp of a made-for-tv movie all over it.
the movie is a little simply do not get that rich by being a nice person. With that being said, I liked the movie, there seemed to be huge jumps in the movie, with him suddenly falling in love with emily's mom, but overall, the msg is nice :) I don't care if people think its such a cliche movie, it's still way better than 90% of what hollywood produces.
It would definately NOT be in my list of most inspirational movies, maybe not even top 5, but still, it's worth watching.
'What baffles me is that the Red Stevens character is supposedly this loving, altruistic man and yet managed to rear a selfish, hateful brood; doesn't make much sense.'
It makes sense if you watch the sequel. There is an entire back story behind that character.