Borden vs Angier - Tesla vs Edison
Borden = Bad Discipline/Good Creativity
Borden is selfish and only cares about making himself happy. This makes him interesting to other people, but without discipline, he will eventually take things too far and end up in prison.
Angier = Good Discipline/Bad Creativity
Angier wants to help people and make them happy, but he is so concerned with others, that he sacrifices his own happiness. People find him boring and predictable, and despite everything that he does for others, he ends up alone and unloved.
Tesla = Good Discipline/Good Creativity
People like Tesla are the problem solvers of the world. They make life easier for themselves and everyone else, but for one person to be so productive, they end up as a target for those at the top of the pyramid.
Edison = Bad Discipline/Bad Creativity
Edison is at the top of the food chain. There are no limits to what he will do to get what he wants. He will lie, cheat, steal, torture, enslave - whatever it takes. He is the puppet master pulling the strings and that is why he does not appear in the film.