Curious speculative question about The End of the Whole Mess
Of all the stories I've seen, The End of the Whole Mess ranks in the Top 2 (the other being Battleground, though The fifth Quarter is a close third thanks to the excellent acting). I loved how the scope was so apocalyptic yet the story itself was on done such a personal level. With that said, I wish they could've shown a bit more of how the calmative chemical affected people on a worldwide scale. i understand that the bit was rather low budget, but it would've been more interesting to see how widespread the effects of the chemical were on the entire world population.
but I'm curious, do you think that the calmative chemical affected EVERYBODY? Do you think that there were people out there who weren't affected by the chemical or who were even immune to it? is it possible that there were certain regions that were somehow spared from the chemical and its side effects?
i bring this up b/c I noticed that in one instance, when Howard turned on the radio (while he was gradually degenerating into a mentally vegetative state), he heard the voice of the preacher proclaming the end of the world. The preacher himself sounded like it wasn't affected at all (granted, he was sounding extreme, but he didn't appear to be inflicted by Alziemer's). Also, in another scene where we see the news reporter starting to forget what she was supposed to say ... noticed that several people in the background were running with umbrealls. Apparently, they didn't seem bothered at all by what was happening. Either that, or maybe they realized that there was a film taking place and they didn't want to be in the shot!
So basically, I'm wondering if by the end of The End of the Whole Mess, mankind is indeed doomed? Or maybe there is a glimmer of hope b/c there are people out there who haven't been affected ... and there are enough of them to help rebuild civilation...