Is it any good?
should i watch it?? is it really scary??
After seeing the first two episodes I can assure you, it's not scary AT ALL.
shareEven if it's not scary, is it worth watching? I've been wondering about it myself.
Rimmer: Okay homeboys, let's posse!
After now seeing the third episode, I would say no, they are quite terrible.
The first episode was slightly amusing but really they all suck.
I love Stephen Kings work but these REALLY REALLY suck.
There are things that are worse than this, but that does not make these good, they are still terrible.
then you obviously have incredibly bad taste because these suck.
Your credibility left the second you defended this godawful series.
I will say this, the trailer for the series was incredible, if only they actually delivered on some true Steven King style horror, instead of zany clown'ish falling sound effects.
So after all that you're not unable to understand my point of view? Wow, impressive.
When all else fails it appears to be your policy to argue on the basis of typo's.
My posting in other boards has no relevance here, and if you actually did read anything I wrote on there, you'd see that I've had more than one "discussion" with several users.
As for the usage of the word 'suck', well I'd use the word SHI_T as that's more indicative of this series but that as you may have noticed gets censored.
What really pissed me off about this series was how good it looked in the trailer, it looked truly disturbing and mildly scary, which is good. What I ended up getting after seeing the first episode was a lot of disappointment, however I thought the first episode was the best of all of them so far as it was the most entertaining especially considering that there isn't any dialogue in the whole thing, and that's saying something about the entire series.
When you name something "Nightmares and Dreamscapes" then you shouldn't be delivering something so hackneyed, melodramatic and the complete opposite of scary especially when you attach Stephen Kings name on it. I mean this is the same guy who wrote "The Shining" a story that DID give me nightmares.
I'm not bashing made for TV productions, I am a big fan of shows like "The Outer Limits", which is actually somewhat similar but always leaves an ominous feeling on the viewer, something totally lacking when viewing this.
If you'd like to argue about American foreign policy (which is mostly what I have argued on the Hotel Rwanda boards) then do so, if not don't bring up other postings since they bear no relevance here. It's quite obvious I'm not a troll, you wanted a full explanation on my viewpoints and I have obliged you, I'd appreciate it if you didn't make a follow up post consisting only of my typo's, thank you.
I haven't seen all the episodes yet, but I've watched five, and thought they ranged from so-so to stellar (Battleground, IMHO, being pretty damn excellent thanks to a phenomenal job by Will Hurt). Are the stories/scripts good? Depends on your point of view. Are they as good as the originals by SK? From what those who've read them have said, no, but again, your mileage may vary.
Anyway, I recommend checking them out. I wouldn't call them scary, but some are suspenseful, even disturbing at times.
condor, no one really gives a s hit about what you have to say so why dontcha make like a tree. Stop spamming this msg board, we all got your point, value your opinion more than our own, so get the f uck out of here.
As for the series, being an enormous fan of King's, I actually enjoyed most of the episodes! Not necessarily worth buying, but definitely worth checking out. Not bad at all.
Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
I haven't violated any of the rules, so I can post here if I want, especially if I'm being called out by some keyboard commando.
shareWell of course you can kiddo. And I wont tell you not to anymore either... I just thought you should know that it's a waste of your time because no one here gives a flying rat's ass what you think about "Nightmares and Dreamscapes". Go back to the Hotel Rwanda board, or are people sick of you there too? Hmmm that's too bad... well you can still go ask your mommy for a lollypop.
Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
i just saw a random episode with claire forlani and even if she looked stunning, the whole thing just didn't click. i'm not a horror/thriller/suspense fan in general (although i have read quite a few of king's books and enjoyed them) but my main problems with this series (although again i've only seen one episode) is that certain b-rate feeling about it, i don't know whether it's cheap filming/cheap production/it's MEANT to be like this/i'm misinterpreting a spooky atmosphere for a cheesy one..but at the end of the day it's a teleseries so whatever. i felt like i was watching a more adult version of who's afraid of the dark to be quite honest.
that being said, i wouldn't go as far as to say that anyone who likes this series has sh-t taste, each one to their own.
but i'm more confused as to why 'invasion' is so popular when it really looks awful and i can't get through an episode without changing the channel..and yet week after week it's on the television..again..
it's a dirty world Reich, say what you want