Unrealistic Incompetence
Started watching this after many years, to refresh my memory.
After the first episode, I can't believe how incompetent the people of the institution are. How did they manage to capture anything in the first place?
So many mistakes and unrealistic things - so many methods they didn't use - so many opportunities, and all they do is shoot ineffective guns. What? Why?
First of all, what's the point of the helmet, if she can see just fine without it?
Couldn't the helmet have been actually effective? How about suffocating her so much she can't breathe, but doing it in a remote-controllable way, so any time she gets out of line, she's suffocated until she faints or something?
How about gas or injections the helmet could be giving?
If you think about all the ways people are constantly manipulated, and the interrogation methods that have been used probably since early 1900s, if you think about all the drugs, psychedelics, etc..
Also, knowing how emotional and susceptible to human bond and family type influence these creatures are, why create a completely horrible, scary and unnaturally institutionalized environment for them, instead of treating them human to human, as equals (at least superficially, to influence them that way)?
So she doesn't want to kill the guy with the glasses, but she kills anyone else without mercy instantly, innocent or not. I can't remember, but I assume it's because she -knows- this guy well, and has bonded with him. What if EVERY single employee of that facility had been introduced and become friends with her the same way?
Why lock her up that way, if it's that ineffective? If those invisible hands are so OP that they can block bullets without getting hurt, and so versatile and agile that they can catch bullets and hold them mid-air like Neo in his best days, and then just drop them, then why even try to control them or ever even try to shoot at her (or even aim any gun at her)?
Couldn't that helmet have very loud speakers that disrupt her thoughts and cause pain in the eardrums and inner ear, causing her to probably lose balance, etc.?
Couldn't it also have video screens to brainwash her every waking second of her life?
How about hypnosis, creating hallucinations or controlled psychosis, or memory loss? There are SO many ways to control someone like that, but these people try only PHYSICAL ways, and that's all they ever try. Why?
How about manipulating breathing - gas, removal of oxygen, especially when she's between the heavy doors and being apparently shot at (and such surprise shots don't get her, because.. she's always prepared? What? Then how can the rifle shot get her?).
Why does the helmet actually -protect- her instead of helping control her?
If she can see wearing the helmet, why even have her wear it? What's the point of the helmet, if it's only helping her??
What about having floor disappear from under her and have her fall into some sticky goo or whatnot?
(And have slippery enough walls that she can't use them for support in any way - or have them be so far apart she can't reach them)
Why is she allowed SO much space, why is every single room and hallway of this facility ENORMOUS? Couldn't she have been lured into very narrow hallways, where walls could close in on her so she can't use her 'hands'?
Why sacrifice men with guns and without any shields or protection just shooting at her and nothing else?
How about robots, tanks, automatic cannons, electric shocks?
How about slippery floor that can't be walked on with bare feet?
How about spikes, pins or just 'a very rough floor'?
How about sticky floor? Huge fan that creates very strong winds she can't walk against?
How about hurling extremely fine powder towards her so you can always see the 'invisible hands'?
Tear gas?
How can she escape a facility that was strong enough to keep her imprisoned? In other words, if she's that strong and all those metals are that weak, then how could they ever have even got her in a position where they could force a helmet on her? If they're THAT HELPLESS when she tries to escape, how could they EVER have overpowered her in the past?
I have so many questions because nothing makes sense. It's like the writers just wanted a lot of gore and that's as far as they thought about it.
Why does she have to be so naked for so much of the time? And yet we can't see her face, because useless helmet. Because we have to feel sympathy for our antagonist evil villain character.
This whole thing is so badly written. The only thing great about it is the artwork itself and the voice acting (as typical and childish, as well as overacted as it is mostly - very japanese, though).
Even the sound design kinda sucks - when she drops the decapitated head, it makes a 'squishy' sound when it falls on the floor. Head is heavy and hard, it would DEFINITELY not make _THAT_ sound, like dropping a tomato into some kind of jelly, for crying out loud.
Why does the sniper only shoot once?