Lucy's 'mewing'

Did anyone else find it FREAKING ANNOYING? Does she only do this in the English dubs, because it's repulsive!



maybe the dubs did it wrong, but her Nyu-ing was tolerable in the Japanese voiced version :P


She does it in both. She's supposed to have the mentality of an infant. They can't really talk that well at all. . .

"Why are you screaming? I haven't even cut you yet. . ."


when are people gonna understand that dubbing is terrible and the only way to watch anime and enjoy it is to watch it in the original version with sub's! as for me, i had a big smile on my face everytime nyu was involved in a scene because almost everything she does is funny! besides, when i hear nyu nyu nyu all the time, i get a feeling of security because lucy is away (nana was my favorite character so you can understand why i feel how i feel).


(to the poster above) Wooooww.

Oh! And she doesn't, "mew", she says, "nyuu". (In BOTH versions)

All the world will be your enemy, Prince With a Thousand Enemies. And whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first, they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, full of tricks, and your people shall never be destroyed.



I agree with the poster above me. Either way, I thought it was cute.



Heh. YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) on this but I found it quite cute, actually. Nyu reminds me of a oversized and innocent kitty, what with the ear-horns and so on... plus, like whatshisname said, it means that for the moment she isn't a sadistic and sociopathic mass murderer.


You must be pretty new to anime if you found it annoying. Trust me, anime is filled with these type of repetitive, cutesy sounds. It doesn't bother me, but I can see how it might for others.

Pokemon anyone?


That's not Lucy, it's Nyuu. But yes, Nyuu is bloody annoying. Ugh.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)



I thought the Nyu-ing was actually pretty cute ^_^ to each his own I guess haha


yeah, if it's a live action foreign language film i'll watch it with subtitles but with anime i like to pay attention to the animation more. it also might be because im a huge DBZ fan and imo the english dub sounds way better than the japanese. if it's a violent action anime i think the guys shouldn't sound like pussy little girls.



I thought it was cute.


It was adorable!


Ha, I like Lucy but the whole NYUUU NYUU NYUUU thing was annoying. I get that japanese culture is all about being as sickeningly cute as possible, and that it's supposed to be a striking contrast to her alter ego and yada yada yada but Chobits did the exact same thing without making it nearly as annoying!



I wholeheartedly agree. I loved the story line and drama but almost every female characters voice tested my will to complete this show.
