MovieChat Forums > Erufen rîto (2004) Discussion > I enjoyed this anime, but I think it is ...

I enjoyed this anime, but I think it is overrated

Overload of angst, incredibly convenient plot-twists... I mean, how often does the characters end up in the exact same small-town beachside... and then run into the same characters with overwhelming consistency?

Having been an anime-head for 2 decades, it's basically a check-box for the genetically-modified/robot girl genre.

Cute girls with amazing super powers, but are plagued by an incredibly sad history.

There is the usual round-up of supporting characters... well-intentioned but regretful father figure; cute nice guy which every other girl in the show seems to fall head over heels over; sweet girl who is constantly thwarted by her attempts to let the boy know how incredibly attracted she is to him, no matter how idiotically he behaves.

The girls use their powers to kill everything within a second, except if it's a major character, then they need 10 minutes to inflict a fatal blow.

As I said, I enjoyed it, but somehow, these formulaic animes are considered 'edgy' simply because of the excess blood and nudity, but if it had been done in Hollywood it would be considered exactly that... bland and formulaic.

I'm sure newcomers to anime would be enchanted by its lack of inhibition, but seen in the context of anime, it's just another uberpowered-kawaii-girl type cartoon.




kududoodoo... oh well, hope you enjoyed your immature little rant against me.

This show will always remain little-known... for multiple good reasons... no matter how you throw your tantrum against people who are honestly pointing out its flaws.

Perhaps you should try being less close-minded and petty :)



I like how you start about the show being about humanity...and then continue on by calling keyvenx (a person I assume you've never meet and know very little about) a waste of space, "devoid of humanity", "fag" who "should be earased."

I'm sorry, kududoodoo, but you are the worst kind of fangirl/boy.

keyvenx doesn't like the show. It did not live up to his expectations, making it "over rated" in his eyes. He then gives some examples of why he feels this way. And he is correct in the fact that some of the concepts behind Elfen Lied are anime cliches. However, just because you do not agree with him doesn't mean you have to act so terribly.

He didn't like it. He gave his reasons.

You do like it, but instead of having an intelligent discussion about the show you erupted with hate filled words which only made you look bad. Next time, instead of insulting someone who you don't agree with (you will find there are a lot of people in life who will not enjoy the same things you do) perhaps you could have a mature talk about it.

"I have NEEDS now, Alfred - dirty, horrible needs!" -- Batman


Keynex you are totally right. Don't listen to people who tell you that its too complex for you to understand because typically those are the people who don't even understand.

First of all yes people this anime is way overated. I've seen on a poll that this is rated as the 4th greatest anime ever. Sorry no.

From what i've seen most people's argument for this show has been that it shows humanity and how it's all about discrimination. However this is not a philosophical theme. This is a theme that has been done many times over and over. Even in pop culture comics like the x-men. Second of all the story doesn't progress anywhere. In truth the first episode could be the only episode you need to really watch. Nothing else really significant comes to fruition with regards to the theme.

The only reason i can think that people love this show so much is the nudity.

Now take into account i have not read all of the manga so maybe there is something later in the series that i haven't seen.

"Here's a spoiler, 'you will die alone.'" (triumph the insult comic dog)


"Don't listen to people who tell you that its too complex for you to understand because typically those are the people who don't even understand."

Not true. People say that all the time on IMDB and they do mean it. They understand the complexity but they're just being jerks about explaining it.

"First of all yes people this anime is way overated. I've seen on a poll that this is rated as the 4th greatest anime ever. Sorry no."

To be honest, I've only seen about 25 anime series (quite a bit of hours) but I would rate Elfen Lied as probably my top 3, if not my favorite. So I, and the poll on that website, would have to say your wrong.

"The only reason i can think that people love this show so much is the nudity. "

Completely untrue. Now your just stating inaccurate claims around.

People are generally right when they say this anime is a theme of humanity and discrimination. And I for one found it beautiful. It touches in a much deeper way than X-men ever would or could. It shows a deeper depth through the raw nudity, gore, innocence and abuse of children, and love that teaches and hopes to change stigmas on compassion, kindness, generosity, etc.


"People like you who are devoid of humanity or social contact should be erased."

Oh the irony.

I got nothing out of this anime except shock. If you want to watch a good shounen anime with memorable characters and a great plot, go watch FMA:B instead. It's got all the gore you'll need, too, if you're into that, but less pedophelic and sadistic fan service.


The main issue i had with this anime was the unnecessary scenes which involved Yuka exhibiting her infatuation for Kohta in (as is typical for most anime and manga) ecchi-inspired scenes, it just broke the tonal consistency of the series.

I don't understand why Japanese mangaka or animators feel the need to include these elements in most of their works, if the intention is to convey a serious or profound theme or subject to the audience embedded in a violent and dark aesthetic, a suitable narrative tone must be constructed around said subject and fan-service type elements should not be included.



laskdjldfkjaldf every single point the OP has made is EXACTLY why I stopped watching anime.
I am so sick and tired of archetypical characters, cheap nude shots and fan service, and anime trying to fool us into thinking that by raping or abusing or slaughtering the whole family of a character we'll automatically assume that it's a complex character. The character that I actually felt the most sympathy for was Yuka and they didn't tell us anything about whatever messed up past she had.
I also enjoyed Elfen Lied, but i didn't think the premise was as cliche.
Sure, "Nyu" is an annoying version of Chii from Chobits, and there were a lot of other things that pissed me off about the series that I won't go into detail about. However, I really liked the premise but they could have done so much more with it rather than resorting to panty shots and over-the-top gore to get more viewers.


"Overload of angst, incredibly convenient plot-twists... I mean, how often does the characters end up in the exact same small-town beachside... and then run into the same characters with overwhelming consistency?"

they wouldn't meet so often if they where the only people on a tiny island. Also what was the point of the nudity even in little children?! i'll tell you the truth, i didn't like it, the only reason i watched all of it it's because it's so sort, but still a waste of time i think.

Having been an anime-head for 2 decades what anime would you suggest with interesting story, 3-dimentional relatable characters with a serious tone preferably?!


Death Note.
Angel Beats!.
Black Butler.
Mirai Nikki.

Shall I name more?

I hate when people look at Elfen Lied and automatically assume it's the only anime of its caliber.


thank you so much for the suggestions, most of them where already on my watchlist.

i've just finished watching Fate/Zero and i loved it.
Very mature show, complicated characters, complicated relationships, mind games, great dialogue, awesome fight scenes... all around a perfect show! :D

