Order of watching?

Just to make sure, I should watch the 13 episodes first and than OVA, right? And what does OVA mean?


In case you are still wondering, I would say yes, the OVA was released after the show ended.
OVA, Original Video Animation, are like direct to DVD episodes or films or specials.
I saw all 13 episodes recently and thought it was pretty good overall, quite adult though.


Saw them all already ( and in the right order :D).
Thanks anyway


Sure, apparently the anime only really covers the first half of the manga.
What did you think overall?
I didn't like it as much as some of my favorites (Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Code Geass) but it had some good stuff.
I often enjoy morally ambiguous sorta stories sometimes.


I only started to watch animes recently, so I don't have many other stuff to compare it to, but on it's own, yeah, it had some good and some bad stuff. I liked the main storyline and even some stories of some side characters. What I didn't like was the... "over-the-top-" (I'm not talking about the combat) behavior that seems to be present in many animes.(I'm not sure if there's a name for it, but I'm trying to find animes where characters behave as normal as possible within the given setting :D).

So... I don't regret watching it, but I wouldn't see it again :)

I heard good stuff about Cowboy Bebop and Code Geass, I'll have to check it out when I find the time.


If you want to see a realistic anime, watch Grave of the Fireflies. It's an anime movie though. The story is very realistic and you can really place yourself in the character since things like that actually happened. Try to find the Japanese version with subtitles though (if you didn't watch it yet), it really doesn't work as a subbed movie.


Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out.
