MovieChat Forums > Erufen rîto (2004) Discussion > Cracking first episode followed by mopey...

Cracking first episode followed by mopey sentimentalism

I always gravitated towards the ultra violent and visceral films, particularly cyberpunk films like Akira and uber violent flicks like Fist of The North Star and Devil Man. After the new millennium it seems that for the most part anime had went soft.

I was so excited by the numerous claims of excessive violence (I'm not a psycho) in this. But that violence only really occurs in the notorious opening 9 minutes. The series then becomes soppy and cheesy riddled with bashful sentiment about the human condition. I also found the overt sexualization of Lucy cheap, it devaluated the series. As a generalization of contemporary anime I also find that almost all lack visual and character distinction, everything and everyone look the same.

Is there anything that even approaches the same level of visceral and distinct nature of those late 80's-90's animes anymore.


keep watching.

Not crazy violence like the first ep. but this series still provides as it goes on.

p.s. is Akira steampunk?? I don't think so.



I watched the entire series it picks up again on the last couple of episodes but too many episodes where not much is going on.


yeh, it was a flawed series, many ppl agree on this.

It could have been great.

It was slow paced, like you said, and then the last two eps seem to be squeezed in and rushed through.

It's a real shame.


I actually thought the "slow pace" was just about right. If they had had 20-24 episodes to work with instead of 13, they really could have done the story justice, IMHO.

The last 2 episodes are precisely those where they had to deviate from the manga in order to force a "resolution" to the story, and rushing the Kouta/Lucy relationship just never seemed plausible to me. The dude went nuts when Nyu broke a seashell, but when he finds out she killed his sister, he gets over it almost immediately. That conflict needed more time to properly conclude, plus the tragic nature of the story really demanded that Kouta keep his promise to kill Lucy. Such a shame they left in the foreshadowing and then it went nowhere.

Despite its flaws, however, I still really enjoyed this anime overall.
