We need a sequel!!!

Discuss. Give us a damn sequel already!


Hell ya


It didn't make enough money. It covered its reported production budget, but probably not enough to cover the promo costs.


I woud have loved a sequel, man


Yep sequel please.


I completely enjoyed this film. I'd love a sequel but it'd never happen. the film was poorly received & the stars are too expensive now. this is one of those flicks people disliked and i'll never really understand why.

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Expendables and Red got sequels, this should too.

By Grabthar's Hammer...what a savings.


It would make sense to have a sequel, wouldn't it? I mean, Max got away at the end. They could kill off Max at the end of the sequel and it'd be a done deal.


The Losers II...I like it!


I'd be the first in line for it, but it won't happen nowadays. It didn't make the money a studio want, and Chris Evans and Zoe Saldana have both grown significantly in their respective careers.

Still love watching this movie, though!


It didn't make the money a studio want, and Chris Evans and Zoe Saldana have both grown significantly in their respective careers.
Agreed. Very unlikely to ever happen.


I never heard of it until last year when i saw it on cable. They must not have done much advertising for it when it was released. But if they were to make another, I'd definitely go watch it in the theatre, and take about 20 of my friends with me!


I don't that that would matter to Chris Evans. I think he would love to go back to doing the comedic role of Jensen.

By Grabthar's Hammer...what a savings.


A sequel would be amazing. I've seen this movie a dozen times and I still watch it every time it's on. The comedy, the action, the actors...I love everything about it.


Sequel, Please


I love this movie. It was underrated and undersold. I'm glad to see I'm not the only fan that'd love a sequel.
