Sadest part for me...
...was the scene when he went back to the DVR studio after he had to kill Sam. He was talking to the woman. The entire scene is incredible but when he says to her, "Please say hello to me". This made me want to cry.
You can tell he's on the verge of slipping a cog. Then he did with the suicide attempt before being rescued by Anna.
That seemed so real. The emotional push Smith had to make for this entire movie what the US Navy would call: OUTSTANDING!
Another part I liked was by how it effected him to have to kill Fred. You could tell it effected him mentally as well. Because Fred had become his friend in a way so he also was losing a "friend".
Smith was ripped off. Not even nominated for lead actor on this thing is a crime. I thought this was his best work. Even better than "Independence Day". That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
If there's a way to screw something up, the "O'Commie regime" will find it EVERY SINGLE TIME!! Only 235 more days left!