Paul McGann's Sharpe
Does anyone know if any footage of him playing Sharpe, exists?
There are a couple of pictures, but I would love to have a look at his very brief tenture as Richard Sharpe!
Does anyone know if any footage of him playing Sharpe, exists?
There are a couple of pictures, but I would love to have a look at his very brief tenture as Richard Sharpe!
Paul McGann as Sharpe? When did this happen? Paul McGann doesn't have the facial features to play the rough and born out of the gutter Sharpe. I've seen Mr. McGann in a few Victorian productions and he plays the upperclass chap (good or bad) perfectly. That's why I can't see him as Sharpe, even if Sean Bean didn't take the role years ago.
Mr. McGann as Dr. Who...that's another story...what? He's already played The Doctor? hehehehe
Anyone who thinks McGann can't play working class, needs to look more at his roots in acting.
The extended cut of "Alien 3" on the Quadrilogy box set should dispel any notions as to his range.
or his acting in the hollywood version 1994 the musketeers should also dispell any worries about his acting...what am i saying...he was an appalling choice for Sharpe in the first place.
They filmed Sharpe's Gold but he broke his foot playing footie - check bernard cornwall's own website for a link through rifleman harris' own website which shows an early 1993 picture of him in the guise of sharpe. So they had to re-shoot Gold to the version we got to see - shame cos its not a patch on the book story.
Just see him in Hornblower: Mutiny, Retribution, Loyalty and Duty.
As 2nd Lieutenant Bush you can see him in a Napoleonic era uniform playing superbly well alongside Horatio Hornblower (equally great series I promise you!). Gives a good impression on him being Sharpe.
“I feel so miserable without you; it's almost like having you here.”
"Just see him in Hornblower: Mutiny, Retribution, Loyalty and Duty.
As 2nd Lieutenant Bush you can see him in a Napoleonic era uniform playing superbly well alongside Horatio Hornblower (equally great series I promise you!). Gives a good impression on him being Sharpe."
You took the words right out of my mouth. I would have loved to see Paul McGann as Sharpe. Not that Sean Bean isn't good, but Lt. Bush was just so sexy.
Jessica Rabbit
"I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way."