Please Help Stop Jason from Making any More Movies
I guess Jason, has never seen a script he did not like....
Outside of Snatch and the Italian Job (passable) and the first transporter, (other two were just carbon copies for the mass idiots to spend money on).
Jason needs to take a break....this movie was written by a 12 year old...the acting and action was just as bad...
Death Race, I saw about 5 minutes of...
I fell asleep 10 mintues before the end of the movie, where he was in mid-evil times, fighting some army hord...dont recall the name, I just remember when ever I bump into Jason to ask him for a couple of million dollars so I can invest in Time Machine technology so I can go back in time and get 90 minutes of my life back.
It just goes to show people will watch anything with a popular actor and the right promoting......
This movie was straight up Stupid and I am dumber for watching it.
Just think of the opening scene....the "would be killer" video tapes his own crime, then carries the "knocked out" hero all the way back to his house, puts him in his bed, and then leaves a VCR tape for if you look at the VCR tape he recorded the injecting of the drug with multiple camera the "would be" killer, used at least two cameras to record the injecting plus he had to edit the two camera's footage together, then transfer this footage on to a VCR tape....all before he delivered Jason back to his house....
You would think if he was this smart of a "would be killer" he would just put two in the brain and be done with it.....
You want story lines to be somewhat believeable......this one starts off bad and then hits a new law when he grabs his girlfriend on the sidewalk....i dont know too many hookers who would go for that, let alone, the good girl in the movie which she was trying to play.
The best thing about this movie was the credits.