Pierce Brosnan..

givin i havent seen this flick..i usally stir clear of Pierce Brosnan..they guy is a dork man. yes..okay goldeneye was good, but every other bond film he was in was trash. i really want to rent this becuase it actually looks good but pierce is a chump..was this any good?? what would you compare it too?



well im now excited to rent it..i will..and i will get back to you soon as i do and tell ya what i thought.


I totally agree, Brosnan does so much with a very small amount of dialouge and that is indeed the sign of a great actor.

"Make it Suntory Time"


See it. Brosnan was one of the better Bonds (even if at leat 2 of his four were crap) but c'mon. The man was amazing in The Matador and damn good in Evelyn and The Tailor of Panama. He has done more than Bond and Thomas Crown. This is another good small performance where Pierce plays against type. These roles have done him well as a niche since Bond (The Matador still being the highlight).

The movie itself is pretty good. I think a 7/10 decent scale is fair. But Brosnan and the always riveting Neeson make this movie. That and the beautiful scenery/cinematography.


You should steer clear of James Bond, not Pierce Brosnan. Pierce Brosnan is a damn fine actor. I think all Bond movies suck (although I haven't yet seen Casino Royale).
