bad beginning

If you know the movie is about one man chasing another, you must assume that the guy in the fur coat at the start of the film is the quarry, smart, clever and forest-wise. So why did he continue building his fire and completely ignore the nervousness of his horse? Even I knew he was going to be attacked. And when he was, I assumed his pursuers had got the wrong man, some naive and innocent trapper.

I was wrong and maybe I relied too much on cinema cliches (of which there were plenty in this film) but for me, Seraphim Falls had a lot of catching up to do after that lame start.


Gideon doesn't know he's being hunted by men at the start. He hasn't read the blurb in the newspaper or on the back of the DVD. ;) He was a trapper cooking his lunch and his horse could have been spooked by anything including a squirrel.



Yeah, my point about cliches. How many times do we see fugitives tumbling down waterfalls, digging bullets out of their wounds then cauterising them with a hot knife blade (not to mention giveaway blood dripping down from above) though I admit using a gag on yourself was a first. As to the initial scene, I had assumed this pursuit had been going on since the war ended (did somebody mention that was three years ago?) but yeah maybe I was projecting my knowledge of the reviews into the film.



No, I do enjoy movies and I am not overly critical but it is impossible to shut down your perceptions when you watch a new film recycling tired old scenarios. One new thing that came across to me was how essential a horse was in those days and in those circumstances. The one truly surprising scene was Gideon bounding out of the horse's innards. The Angelica Huston deus ex machina appearance may have been allegorical and nothing wrong with that but felt to me like a desperate throw by writers finding themselves in a cul de sac. And like somebody said on another thread, pursuits can go on just too long and at some point you long for a resolution. I didn't think this was a bad movie by any stretch, just I was expecting better.


"If you know the movie is about one man chasing another, you must assume that the guy in the fur coat at the start of the film is the quarry, smart, clever and forest-wise. So why did he continue building his fire and completely ignore the nervousness of his horse? Even I knew he was going to be attacked."

"Even you" knew even about to be attacked because in the narrative of a film, events happen for a reason. Horses get spooked for a reason and so on.

But the "forest-wise, smart and clever guy" wouldn't know because he doesn't live in our world as viewer where we are exposed to a highly-condensed series of meaningful event. A "forest-wise" person knows that horses get slightly agitated (just like the one in this movie) often enough. The horse could have been agitated for a number of reason, some of them not just worth worrying about. It's quite obvious at the start of the movie that if Brosnan is indeed already being chased, he certainly doesn't expect these guys to be around. It turns out he is wrong but that what a long scale manchase will do and that's how a lot of criminals get caught. You start by being paranoid and reacting to every little thing but over time, doing that would drive you insane.

After that first scene, Brosnan's character shows more urgency, knowing these guys are not far behind him. Unfortunately (for him), as he's hurt, he has to rest a few times.

All in all, I think it portrayed well a person that has been hunted for a long period of time.



I thought it was a great start and didn't know zilch about the plot so call me dumb as fook but i just enjoyed the unfolding drama along with the excellent acting from the cast who seemed to be doing a top job without relying on much dialogue. Also if i were him I wouldn't leave a roast chicken just coz my horse got a bit spooked but then I'm a greedy twit and not a grizzly Adams kind of cowboy dude!

I kind of figured he would fall in the river and it was no surprise when he went over tha falls but it didn't bother me because i seemed logical in the context of the film and was on the edge of my seat and when he cut the bullet out and dropped the guy in the head with his big knife I was thinking what if he was to burn his arm or what if he was to kill the guy bellow by dropping his knife in his skull and then he did those things and they were perfectly executed so i was well chuffed!


i just thought the first half of the movie was rather good , in the second half the story got really lost especially with the scene when Brosnan's character jumps out of the dead horse.....

