MovieChat Forums > Seraphim Falls (2007) Discussion > Two pees in a pod...SPOILERS

Two pees in a pod...SPOILERS

At first i was confused about what this movie set out to do, and stil i'm not completely sure.

But one thing i have realized, that after reading this board i've found many others haven't, s that they tried their hardest to make these men as alike as possible. Even at the expense of plot.

At the start of the movie both men are heavily covered, black hats and bear pelt coats, but throughout the movie each forces the other down to the bare necessities. Gideon through force, Carver through endurance.

Both men are shown as evil, and as good. And by the end they see that no matter how much they struggle, and how far they run, they will both just be the same. And the only way they can change is to leave their past behind and head as far away from each other.

As you can tell this isn't the most refined theory, but it cleared my head, when i realized the movie doesn't just jump into extreme symbolism from nowhere. Its everywhere just some more obvious filming techniques taken for more depth.


I liked the way in the start you root for Pierce and think Liam Neeson is the bad guy and by the end it's flipped so the last stand off has Liam all in goodguy white and Brosnan in dark clothes. I will watch this again with my wife and see what she makes of it and i am looking forward to seeing it again knowing now to look for stuff from the begining as like a lot of people posting here I initially thought it had a very strong start and an odd second half!
Loved it though and much preffer it to the rather standard 3:10 to Yuma.


actors in this movie are just as good as Bale and Crowe in the other movie.
