Too many silly/non-sensical moments...
1. Dropping the knife from the tree to hit the hunter in the eye, killing him. Pointlessly silly. Jumping down with the knife would have been fine.
2. After being quite detailed in Brosnan's escape, survival and misdirection, the film cops out by having Brosnan 'give them the slip' off-screen - reportedly something involving a ravine and a ridge.
2. Why did the owner of the shack lie to Neeson about selling his horse to Brosnan? He risked having his son killed and daughter raped for what reason?
3. I can only think that Brosnan threw fern onto his fire to deliberately entice the hunters, and that he proposed then to pick one of them off in the night, or steal a gun etc. But why didn't they - on seeing his camp - lie in wait and take him down? And did Brosnan stand waiting for hours? Either that or it got dark very quickly. If he did wait that long, did he not think "Where's the fourth hunter?" Also (this scene bugged me), how the hell did Neeson let Brosnan get away at the end of that scene?
4. I think I may have missed the bit explaining what happened to Brosnan's sons. Can anyone tell me?