My opinions on the film
I have to say I have a weakness for all westerns. Seraphim Falls was no exception. I had heard through the internet that it was poor, yet I thought it was quite a good movie, that is until 2 3rds of the way through when it became quite unneedingly whimsical and metaphorical/pretentious. Before that I have to say I like the film; the chase through the snowy plains and Brosnan's desperate attempt to warm himself and 'cure his wound' are great - however I personally would have kept the two ,main characters/aggressors apart until the very end of the movie (or even throughout - like No Country for Old Men). This movie had the components to make it potentially a great film, but the screenplay and direction were fundamentally flawed. The 'chase'/pursuit that takes place through the movie runs out of steam, as it were, when the two men seemingly dodge each other in the town. You have an interesting morally ambiguous revenge story with two good actors to fulfill it, that is instead wasted. Cameos from the metaphorically ambiguous characters/roles of the native indian and the alcohol saleswoman are strange in their very inclusion as minor characters and are probably meant to represent the crossing of the river styx or such like and the devil tempting the two combatants one last time. I could go on, and I havn't even mentioned the fact that the ending wherein these two men driven by revenge, desperation, survival and hate who have just about killed each other in their chase suddenly 'make up' and go their seperate ways!!!!!!