Rogue: The Second Serving
I love Rogue. I think this movie is quintessential "Oz thriller" / horror done right, I only wish Mclean would devote more time to his "Rogue" franchise and stop worrying about "Wolf Creek 2". I mean, "Rogue" did not get a fair market in the USA. Barely any theatres played it, hell I saw it for the first time on DVD only because I was looking for it. But, whenever ANYONE watches it with me, they say "Damn, that was a good movie." Thats what they say. And, it is. It was unfair they didn't market this more than what was, its like FOX ignoring Joss Whedon's "Firefly"...pure stupidity, and frankly having the wrong people in charge.
Well, I am glad Mclean got the chance to make his "dream movie". I hope I get to some day. "Wolf Creek 2", they would have given him a blank check to make it...but he denied. And thank God.
I, for one I am so grateful he chose to make this movie. From the score, of strings which touch your senses in a way you haven't felt since the omnious score in "Jaws". I knew when one was about to die, then I was surprised at the same moment!
I want another movie like this to be made, yet better...even better. Better than "Dark Age", better than any other crocodile movie and if I have to write for that, I welcome the challenge.