MovieChat Forums > Rogue (2007) Discussion > Hurrah, finally a decent croc movie.

Hurrah, finally a decent croc movie.

Just seen this and was thinking half way through that it definitely deserved a mention on imdb. Without going overboard on over-extravagent special effects and ridiculous heroics, this tried and succeeded in finally being a croc film to be proud of. Although the story itself was pretty formulaic and predictable in places, the acting was superb and the way the film delivers is down to great direction. The effects were fantastic too, the croc itself was stunning, but they never dwelt too long on it , just the threat of it was enough. Didn't think it was possible to make a decent croc thriller after the garbage i've seen so far, but thankfully this proved me wrong. I enjoyed this so much more than the most over rated film of the 20th century, that little Spielberg film about that shark, oh yea Jaws, that was it.


Ditto, this movie should have got a wider showing and deserved acclaim. I think the reason it didn't was because it was a horror movie, it wasn't the normal hollywood junk, and the director is starting out. If the director was widely known like Spielberg then I think critics would have given more prominence to the movie. Actually if the director is well known he/she gets a lot of prominence even if the movie is not good and that irks me.



It's the "Jaws" of croc movies if you ask me.

Peace is not the absence of affliction, but the presence of God. ~Author Unknown
