WOW...This was a surprise..!!!!
I catched this movie while channel surfing the other day. It was late and since nothing in TV was on I saw that it starred the newcomer from Terminator Salvation (Sam Worthington) so I gave it a go.
From the get go I was thinking that this would be a Lake Placid/Alligator, ripoff but I was kinda surprised they were showing it in HBO and not in Sci-Fi channel. Also I noticed that the girl from Pitch Black (Radha Mitchell) was also in the cast....Hmm Interesting.
The first thing I noticed was the cinematography and score were pretty good. It looked like quality movie making. At least It had something to look forward to. Not unlike those Sci-Fi Channel movies (who actually watch those movies, btw???)
Well...After watching the movie I have to say this was a pretty good surprise. I was not expecting the movie to be as good as it was. I am not saying it is the greatest movie ever. But I can truly say that this is what Lake Placid was trying to be. A serious, gripping, nail biting (the cave scene was just so intense) movie based on actual science and even though some parts require the viewer's belief suspension, it was truly remarkable.
I was actually thinking through out the movie "how are they gonna get out of that one". Specially on the cave scene.
Truly great surprise.
If you have not seen it, and you actually at least tolerated Lake Placid, I strongly recommend this one.
Good acting, great cinematography, great music score. Overall 7.0 - 10. Just because I was so surprised with it.