Some people are saying that the dog is a character and shouldn't have died. Kevin wanted Vartan to find Kate, and he was able to lead Vartan to the lair.
When Kevin goes back to the entrance and died, one possible explanation could be that Kevin CHOSE to risk his life for the sake of his owners.
His dying was probably accidental, he was probably just trying to act as a look out while Vartan helped Kate, however it still served his purpose, it gave Vartan enough of a warning that he was able to get Kate out of harms way before the croc got fully inside the lair.
There's many instances in movies when characters have willingly risked (and given) their lives to save either friends, loved ones or the world. (Armaggeddon, Deep Impact, The Core, etc..)
So if humans can be heroic and sacrifice themselves for others, there's no reason a dog can't do the same for it's beloved owner.
"You're a funny guy Sully, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last".