MovieChat Forums > Rogue (2007) Discussion > Don't Get pissed or yell about the dog (...

Don't Get pissed or yell about the dog (SPOILER)

I am one of those people who start a movie and see a dog or another animal in it and think......."the dog is in the movie to die". I actually liked this film ALOT...yes, the dog didn't die right away, but, I put myself in the place of the female (owner of the dog), and thought that is what many animals would do (well dogs mostly), and found that incredibly faithful. I know Michael Varatans character saving her was GREAT too. But, he woul dof never found her without the dog. I know we as humans do not want to see people get killed in films (well some of us)....but, I relly wanted to see the dog live, especially when she (the dogs owner) turned back to Varatan and said take care of my boy (the dog). My friends say............the dog knew the croc was coming and warned the man to help the female.....but still....I just wish the dog barked and warned them and in the end just showed up...Just my thoughts, I am sure I will have a bunch of people say I am stupid....I just love animals (and yes people).


agreed 100% bumbling tourists live the cute dog dies...ARGH

Hey Laser Lips Yo Momma Was A Snow Blower - Johnny 5



Agreed the dog didn't deserve to die and shouldn't have!

"It's a hell of a thing killin a man, you take all he's got and all he's ever gunna have"


The thing that pisses me off about horror movies is that the minute an animal shows up it's nearly guaranteed that it's going to die in some horrible manner that does nothing for the actual plot but it simply there to illicit an emotional response.

In fact, nothing makes me happier with a movie than when they let the animal in question live, i.e. Dante's Peak, Alien, I, Robot, etc.

I still believe that peace and plenty and happiness can be worked out some way. I am a fool.


absolutely agree...animals are better than humans

They hate us 'cause they ain't us


I frequently get annoyed with animals in movies because the films gleefully pick off people one-by-one - often in horrific ways - but when the animal's life is threatened we're supposed to be really sad or upset. Frankly, I'm surprised you think dogs die in a lot of movies, person who is no longer on these message boards (but who I am talking to anyway for some reason). In most films I've seen, they preserve the animal over humans (hence my annoyance).

Don't get me wrong, I like animals, I just get bothered by the obvious manipulation that filmmakers use with animals and how they are so callous with people and so precious with dogs.

Final note (additional SPOILER warning for the film) Kevin's death in this film made me laugh. The dog runs over that rise in the cave, barking away. There's a small "gator" noise, a "yip!" and then nothing. Something about that had perfect, grisly, comic timing. I liked Kevin the dog and I was sad that he bit it (or got bit) but the way he went out was very unintentionally funny.
