For those who think this film sucked and was unfaithful to the books....
I think that I can make you agree that this is kept extremely close to the books...almost 100% in fact---when compared with "The Hardy Men" and it's "original plot" for those who may not know, The Hardy Men was a film that was in the works(and apparently still is ) and was gonna be based on the series of Hardy Boys Books (same author different name).
So how can I tell that you would agree that Nancy Drew matter-of-factly stuck closer to the books than "The Hardy Men" which still has yet to get the script finished?
If you had read the original plot you'd understand completely---the original idea was gonna be the Hardy Boys as adults and...get this now-hating each other-they were gonna be in their 40's or so and the whole film was gonna explain that at 18 they got into a bitter hateful feud and refused to ever acknowledge one other-don't get me wrong, I know this legitimately happens but it isn't anything like the Hardy's ever were.
All I'm saying, is that even Nacy Drew stuck somewhat to the original character a lot more than the "original we hate each other we wanna kill each other" idea that was gonna be the original plot.
I will admit that Hardy Men has reportedly gone through several thousands of re written scripts(making me wonder if it will ever even get done)so maybe the
"we hate each other enough that we wanna kill one another" of the film was dropped--which would be the smart thing...though keeping them boys and not men might help too.
Oh yeah...and Ben Stiller is gonna be in it and given his age I am guessing he's gonna be either Frank or Joe. I like Stiller but I don't see him as Frank OR Joe Hardy.