Is this a mistake in your opinion
Ok first I want people to hold off on the old "Well its only a movie" statements and listen to what I am about to say. First I am going to bring up a few facts from Rocky 1 if you notice when he is fighting Spider Rico in the first Rocky the date that flashes up is Nov 25 , 1975. I want everyone reading this post to remember that date for when I make my point later. I also know that in Rocky Balboa the Ali computer right with Marciano is brought up. In other words the Rocky universe acknowledges both the existence of Joe Frazier(from Rocky 1) as well as Ali in Rocky Balboa. I am well aware that its only a movie, I am also well aware that one can not forget that on Nov 25 1975, the champion was Ali, which makes me wonder where in the Rocky universe did Ali come in to existence, which also makes me ask the same question about Joe Frazier. This is not so much as a mistake as an acknowledgement that you have to organize fictional people in history.