MovieChat Forums > Knocked Up (2007) Discussion > Movies with a chubby woman and a gorgeou...

Movies with a chubby woman and a gorgeous man as a couple?

There is a lot of talk about Ben and Alison being an unrealistic couple because of their looks, interests and so on. No matter what you think about that, it seems to be more common that women in movies have to be extremely fit and beautiful while the dudes...well their looks are not always so important, as long as they are funny.

So, my question is, are there any movies where the roles are switched: unattractive or chubby woman and a gorgeous guy in a romantic relationship?


Babycakes (1989)
Hairspray (the John Waters non-musical and musical)


Brides maid


The DUFF (2015)


Any movie with Queen Latifah.


Batcholarette Party


Is Bridget Jones series counted in this? Colin Firth might be not young anymore but he's still gorgeous and charistmatic at his age


Dog Day Afternoon.


Lena Dunham and Adam Driver in Girls.....although Adam Driver is by no means attractive with that horse face. Lena Dunham probably outweighs him by 50 pounds

" Tell me mom...when your little girl's on the slab...where will it tickle you?"




How many real life couples do you know where the male is significantly more attractive than the female?

Average guys with attractive girls is quite common, especially in the celebrity world.

Evolutionarily, each gender rates certain traits in each other differently. Looks and fitness are rated as more important to men because that gives them good reproductive possibilities. For women power/strength and the ability to provide were most important. These traits may no longer be important in modern society where many advances have dampened the need for such absolute gender roles, but a few generations doesn't undo the 10's of thousands of years that came before.
