Shouldn't they be worried about the marijuana's effect on his sperm?
Glad that baby doesn't have any birth defects, but won't they wonder if the baby acts a bit slow? Is the science settled on this question?
shareGlad that baby doesn't have any birth defects, but won't they wonder if the baby acts a bit slow? Is the science settled on this question?
shareWeed can possibly slower sperm, but cause birth defects? Ludicrous.
No it doesn't cause birth defects. Funny, some of the smartest kids I've known have come from stoner parents.
(What Would Brian Boitano Do?)
Other than making the baby have a predilection towards Doritos, it shouldn't be a concern.
shareDude, you've obviously never smoked pot.
shareFunny how often people label stoners as stupid people who kill their brain cells. The people that say that are usually very uneducated themselves on the effects of marijuana and sound extremely stupid.
Think for yourself, question authority.
Actually, pot really doesn't do anything to the baby, but honestly, with as much pot as Ben smoked, I am surprised he was able to knock her up at all. Pot kills men's sperm count down to almost nil. A lot of women who have partners who smoke pot are always complaining they can't get pregnant, well, that's usually a huge factor, unless there is some other underlying reason. My friend's husband was a huge pot head, he finally told the doctor after 6 years of trying, that he did indeed smoke a lot of pot, he was told to stop for 30 days at least, she was pregnant by that 2nd month. I even asked my own gyno about this out of curiosity, he said the same thing, it lowers a man's sperm count to almost nil, and if a guy stops for just a little while, the count will build back up, resulting in being able to get a woman pregnant. pot also affects women too, it kills off a woman's eggs. But Ben being the pot head here, it was truly a miracle he even knocked her up. Good question though..
My wife and I are expecting our first (and only) child in six months. You know, I've always been aware of this belief that marijuana use in a man kills off his sperm count. Maybe it's true for some men, but in no way can that be a blanket fact. I'm a pot-smoker and quite comfortable with the fact. I never touch other drugs and am a lightweight when it comes to drinking, and to top it off have had a pretty adventurous and successful life even with the pot smoking. Once we started trying to get pregnant, my wife was knocked up within all of a week or two! My best friend had the same thing happen just a few weeks ago, and he's also quite the stoner. Either our sperm fall into the "Super" category, or this weed kills sperm edict requires further research.
As for the kid having developmental, what a stupid thing to ask. I sincerely hope our child has a little pothead attitude in him/her. I know plenty of people borne of teetotaling Christian right-wingers, and they're the stupidest, most backward-assed people I know.
"I no longer know who I am and feel like the ghost of a total stranger."
Hey dumbass. Ever heard of mitosis? Any toxin in the body can fuq up mitosis and guess which cells are most vulnerable to toxins? The reproductive sex cells. And guess what's a toxin? Marijuana! Put two and two together and it's a fuqqing fact that marijuana can cause developmental problems and serious mental health issues.
Too bad you dumb ass stoners just see 10 toes and 10 fingers and think that's it...healthy baby! And hey, they aren't a drooling mutant with downs, safe to call it mentally healthy too. But of course you have your anecdotal evidence, so that trumps scientific studies too.
Let us know when you write that peer reviewed journal on your best friends kid. I'm sure they're an A student by now and don't have emotional issues at all. Think of all the money you can make when you debunk science and all the weed you can buy with it, ya dipshyt.
Yup all true!
shareI believe that it is proven that marijuana does absolutely nothing to sperm count or mental and motoric developement on children.
Of course you can askew this by submerging sperms in a solution of pure THC in which case they will die just as fast as they would being outside of one's body.
-Harm comes from excess!
And a child raised by heavy drug users is going to have problems, just as children raised by overly religious people or other fanatics/kooks.
Personally I don't see fictional Ben Stone as a harmful influence on anything! :D
"Tell that to Snoop's kids"
Yes, they should, but I got the impression that Ben wasn't going to smoke any more (at least not near the baby, or as much). Allison should watch out for the energy drinks her sister loves! Caffeine is bad for kids--makes them hyper and can mess with their hearts. But these two parent (despite reading "The Baby Books" are both pretty uninformed!
She deserves her revenge, and we deserve to die.
I couldn't help but chuckle when I read the title for this thread. Seriously? I smoked pot on a daily basis in college, got good grades, and had no problem in that area. I slipped some past the goalie once or twice, even after using birth control, so I knew my boys could swim just fine. But if you want to do real damage to your unborn child, drink lot's of alcohol. I'd be worried about alcohol's effect, not marijuana.
Time heals all wounds, but it's up to us to make the new ones.
These people here responding have no idea what they're talking about... and "being a bit slow" is the least of the things you might expect.
There is some evidence that women who use marijuana during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to babies with lower birth weight, delayed commencement of breathing, an increase in features similar to those found in foetal alcohol syndrome, exaggerated startle response, tremors, poorer eye-sight, poorer ability to adapt to new aspects of the environment, and a "hole in the heart" (ventricular septal defect).
Preliminary research suggests that fathers’ marijuana use in the year prior to their children’s birth is associated with an increased risk of rhabdomyosarcoma in their children, and that fathers’ marijuana use during conception, pregnancy or postnatally is associated with an increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in their infants. Furthermore, some research suggests that children of fathers who experience marijuana dependence at least at some point in their lifetimes are more likely to experience negative outcomes during childhood, such as poor attachment relationships with their caregivers and psychosocial impairments, including depression and conduct problems.
Jesus. Everyone seems to have a specific take on this issue.
BUT, I find it odd that it has been proven that pot has just as many carcinogens as cigarettes... maybe more. And, yet, everyone is treating pot like it's the greatest, most magical thing to ever grace the Earth. Yes, it makes some people who are suffering, feel better. But, I find it really sh!tty and hypocritical that I have to quit smoking my home made cigarettes, because everyone hates cigarette smokers... but everyone loves pot smokers now. Both cigarette smokers and pot smokers are exposing everyone else around them to smoke. No matter what, breathing any kind of smoke is NOT good.
So much disinformation in this thread it's baffling.
You know there's something called google out here on the internet, where if you bothered using it to look this up, you would debunk that ludicrous claim in less than 3 minutes.