I mean it's just a hodgepodge collage of beautiful images, that I could've easily found with a quick google search. The images are very pretty, but I fail to see how a two hour collage of images could be considered an actual film, when at no point in time is there ever any actual story told with this film. Are people just praising this film, because they're pretentious or is there something I'm missing?
Are people just praising this film, because they're pretentious or is there something I'm missing?
If you ask people that like the movie, they'll say you're missing something. If you ask people that hate the movie, they'll say it's pretentious.
Personally, I'm in the second camp. As a general rule, I hate any form of art - whatever it might be - that goes out of it's way to be "art". Film, poems, plays, music and so on.
To me, this movie falls into the category of "trying to be arty" which is a purely subjective opinion. Another movie that is very popular, and I even enjoy parts of it, but again I still think is "trying to be arty" is Brazil. Anything that's over stylized is something I just don't enjoy.
But, as I said, that's just my opinion. You can't be incorrect about opinions.
If you didn't like it just roll with it and move on. You'll enjoy your live more. :-)
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Thats really interesting and an even more interesting way of looking at it.
I agree with you on Brazil "trying to be art", but I think TOL is just what it is - A Malick film. Look at Badlands, or Days of Heaven and then TOL... It feels like its a progression of style. It's experimental for sure, but I personally don't think it's "trying" to be art. It just is what it is and the viewer needs to take it or leave it.
I liked the movie a lot and have seen it a few times. I don't watch it as I would a narrative film. TOL just needs to wash over you and you need to be submerged in it. It's an experience more than a watching a story unfold. Thats my opinion anyway. Is it pretentious? I don't think so, but I can certainly understand why some people say it is. It just depends on the viewer.