MovieChat Forums > The Tree of Life (2011) Discussion > The biggest self-indulgent pile of prete...

The biggest self-indulgent pile of pretentious dogsh*t I've ever seen.

Yeah we get it. Nature vs grace, which one is Jack going to choose. Oooooo so deep.

2 hours wasted. I've seriously never been so un-entertained by a movie in many, many years.

I feel like I can just see the writers together on this one:

"O but wait, if we slow down the pace by 10 fold, add some trancy music, and cut to images of the universe going through it's evolutionary process it'll totally give off an artsy vibe that will trick others into thinking this less than satisfactory story is 'edgy' and 'deep' and 'thought provoking'.

It's seriously this simple:

*@sshole dad: "Nature"

*Naive oversensitive mom: "Grace"

*A son that does what EVERY CHILD DOES when they have parents that are polar opposites and dabbles with each until finding himself.

Whatever this movie makes you think about afterwards about the "laws of nature" and spirituality, etc. are due to the topic, not the film itself. This film was simply not entertaining.


haha... republican




I was so disappointed in this film. Terrence Malick knows how to create satisfying composition, and is incredible at filming sunlight. But this film was just nothing.

When the mother randomly points to the sky and said "That's where god lives." What emotion is the viewer supposed to be feeling? I laughed, it was so forced and unnatural.
