Pitt's Character was Correct in his Actions
I don't remember much about this film, other than that the father character was disliked by his son, and eventually came to feel bad for the way he acted with him, but from what I remember about the movie, he wasn't wrong in any way for how he acted with his son; he was molding him to be a man. He insisted he show deference and respect to his father. I see nothing wrong with this. He tried to teach him hard work and how to fight. I see nothing wrong with this. He left the emotional, nurturing feminine parenting style to his wife, so she could "mother" the boy. I see nothing wrong with this.
Call me old fashioned, but a man being a strong authoritarian figure to his son is not in any way wrong to me. Quite the opposite, and I think it's a sad commentary on where our society is going if it's seen that way.