Movie like the Fountain or Tree of Life are great immediate indicator of a person intelligence, whether they know cinema or not, whether they have culture or not, whether they know science or not, whether they are spiritual or atheist.
It's simple: the people who don't like these movies are parasites on Earth, they don't know or understand neither science nor spirituality, and although they're the kind who would quote (yes because they're incapable of original formulation of ideas) you skeptics or scientific lines but actually never published or created anything, or people dare talking about cinema although they have a ridiculously limited and *beep* culture.
"spirituality is not mutually exclusive with atheism"
SPIRITuality, as in spirit, as in 50.000 of human civilisation and evolution throughout which most if not all science was entwined with spirituality.
What a pile of hypocritical BS atheists saying they can be spiritual because they don't assume themselves. Also, William Blake, who was "reverent of the Bible but hostile to the Church of England"?
I just realised you don't know what atheism is at all.
I have no idea what you're on about. It doesn't seem to relate to anything I said. What in the world is "atheists don't assume themselves" even mean? Atheism is simply a lack of belief in the theistic God (A = without, theism = a belief that god(s) exist, created the universe, and affects it). Atheists can still, technically, be deists, or believe in the spirit/supernatural, or believe in more metaphorical concepts of God, such as Blake's.
Blake wasn't exactly "reverent of The Bible." The OT God was the analog of the tyrannical church, Urizen in his mythology, who organized chaos by creating laws and then brainwashing people into following them, by chaining Orc (Satan/emotion) underground. He was "reverent" of Jesus as the "God-in-man" who told creative parables in order to save man from that tyranny, which became Los/Imagination in his mythology. This is one reason he idolized Milton, who was "of the devil's party without knowing it," because Blake saw how Milton's creativity shaped Orc as a revolutionary figure against his own portrayal of God as a ruthless dictator.
warriorspirit: if the penis is used as a pencil holder we'll incur a cost.
You're full of hypocritical *beep* or complete ignorance. "Deism is knowledge of God based on the application of our reason on the designs/laws found throughout Nature. The designs presuppose a Designer. Deism is therefore a natural religion and is not a "revealed" religion" the same way is "spirit" is tied in both it's proto-indian and latin root as well as modern language in the notion of theism.
Atheist don't believe in God, in any shape of form, be deist or panatheist, in fact atheism is the belief that God's non-existence is a fact.
You're probably an Holocaust denier, since you deny the true semantic sense of the world to change the meaning of atheism and even draw false conclusion of Blake's gnosticism, like saying that Hitler was a feminist.
Or as I suspect you're pulling things of your ass although you are completely ignorant about what say.
Atheist don't believe in God, in any shape of form, be deist or panatheist, in fact atheism is the belief that God's non-existence is a fact.
Speaking of someone full of beep and complete ignorance. Look at the words that make up atheism; your answer is right there. In practice, professed atheists range from those that believe there is no God, to those that think God is possible but there's not enough evidence to convince them. Deism is very different than theism as deism believes that God doesn't interfere in our world, even if there's evidence in the world for a designer. So it's entirely possible to disbelieve in the theist God ("atheist") while still thinking deism is possible. Several prominent atheists (like Richard Dawkins) have admitted this.
since you deny the true semantic sense of the world
LMAO, there is no "true semantic sense." Words' meanings change over time. Etymologically speaking, atheism means precisely what I said in my last post, "without theism," and theism does not represent all possible beliefs about God. In practice, people who identify as atheists have a wide range of beliefs concerning the possibility of God, with the only commonality being that none believe in it (this doesn't mean they believe he doesn't exist).
false conclusion of Blake's gnosticism
What "false conclusion?"
warriorspirit: if the penis is used as a pencil holder we'll incur a cost.
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Etymologically speaking, atheism means precisely what I said in my last post, "without theism," and theism does not represent all possible beliefs about God.
Note first that atheism cannot be identified with the lack of theistic belief, i.e., the mere absence of the belief that God or a god exists, for that would imply that cabbages and tire irons are atheists. Note second that it won't do to say that atheism is the lack of theistic belief in persons, for there are persons incapable of forming beliefs. Charitably interpreted, then, the idea must be that atheism is the lack of theistic belief in persons capable of forming and maintaining beliefs.
But this cannot be right either, and for a very simple reason. Atheism is something people discuss, debate, argue for, argue against, draw conclusions from, believe, disbelieve, entertain, and so on. Atheism, in other words, is a PROPOSITION: it is something that can be either true or false, that can be the object of such propositional attitudes as belief and disbelief, that can stand in such logical relations to other propositions as entailment, consistency, and inconsistency. But one cannot discuss, debate, argue for, . . . believe, etc. a lack of something. Atheism redefined as the lack of theistic belief is a PROPERTY of certain persons. Now a proposition is not a property. Atheism is a proposition and for this reason cannot be redefined as a property.
Someone who understands this might nevertheless maintain that 'negative atheism' is a proposition, namely, the proposition that there are people capable of forming and maintaining beliefs who simply lack the belief that God exists. Admittedly, one could use 'atheism' as the label for the proposition that there are such people. But then atheism so defined would be trivially true. After all, no one denies that there are people capable of beliefs who lack the belief that God exists. Furthermore, if 'atheism' is so defined, then theism would be the view that there are persons capable of belief who have the belief that God exists. But then theism, too, would be trivially true. And if both are true, then they cannot be logical contradictories of each other as they must be if the terms are to mean anything useful.
Now what is the point of the terminological mischief perpetrated by these 'negative atheists'? It is terminological mischief because we have just seen it ruin two perfectly good words, 'atheism' and 'theism.' If atheism and theism are worth discussing, then atheism is the view that no gods exist and theism is the view that one or more gods exist.
The point of the cyberpunk definition is to avoid being pinned down, to avoid being committed to a positive thesis. But of course the claim that there is no God is a positive claim about Reality, namely, the claim that Reality is godless. And so our cyberpunk commits himself nolens volens.
I got news for em. Theres gonna be hell to pay. Cause I aint Daddys little boy no more reply share
I don't agree that's it a barometer of intelligence. I see it as a barometer of feeling/wonder. If more people could be led from the dense woods of the Hollywood spoonfed movies and had a little more patience, then I think most would appreciate this film and certainly feel something whilst watching.
You are either a troll, or just the worst kind of person - thinking people are dumb because they don't like a movie that you like. I loved the Fountain, hated the Tree of Life. Don't compare the two. Why are you putting them in the same category? Because they have space visuals? A third of the fountain's plot was a guy in space dummy. I've tried. I've really tried to watch Malick movies with an open mind and see what you Malick brown-nosers see, because some people just seem so passionate about him. I think he is a good photographer, that's about it (granted, I haven't seen Badlands yet). You people who are so pompous about his "style" are really the morons here. Kubrick had a style, Tarantino has a style, Malick has a formula: *deep narration* *cut to someone walking through a field running their hand across the tops of the grass* *cut to upward shot of trees with the sun behind them* *cut to waves crashing (or some other shot from the hubble or the planet earth series* *cut back to character staring out a window with some philosophical narration*. I don't think your stupid for liking Terrence Malick movies. There is definitely something to them. I think you (and others like you) are stupid for thinking anyone who doesn't like them is stupid. When I have to chug 3 cups of coffee just to stay awake through a movie, I generally don't like it. That's not stupid. Enjoy your Plato's cave of pretentiousness.
Uh no. I liked Fountain but hated this film. Judgmental people like you are the scourge of the Earth. You would be right at home with the Spanish Inquisitors. F you.