Why Bruce why?

I actually took the time to watch this movie tonight because I'm a fan of Bruce Boxleitner and the only thing running through my head is why did Bruce even bother with being in this horrible B movie? Could it be the case that he just doesn't get offered that much work anymore since Babylon 5 went off the air? I would find it hard to believe that he needed the money that badly so I guess maybe he did this movie because either he thought the film would be good or maybe he just wanted to have some fun?

I just dont get it.

Anyway, I HAVE seen worse movies than this one but King of the Lost World was still incredibly lame.


Well B5 hasn't been on the air for a while so he may not have much money coming in.

I agree it's sad to see someone who did such a good job in the best Sc-Fi/fantasy show of all time reduced to this.

But here we are.

At least he hasn't been in one of those Awful Movie Movies yet.


Why wouldn't he do a movie like this? I love B5 but it wasn't exactly mainstream.
Obviously there was something in the story he liked even if it was just to get a paycheck or a free trip to wherever this movie was filmed. Or maybe he just wanted to do a bit of fluff for the fun of it.

