MovieChat Forums > Creepshow 3 (2007) Discussion > 'Are you high, or are you delerious? You...

'Are you high, or are you delerious? You can't be serious!

I just finished watching "Creepshow 3" on DVD and I have to say.............. I really didn't believe that a picture this BAD could even be released! Then I watched the "Bonus Features" and it answered all my questions...but one. If you rent this film and want to really get creeped out, watch the bonus features and you too may understand the reason why Creepshow 3 was a tolal disaster. The TWO, (count em') two directors were/are creepier than anyone in the movie. The interviews with the actors are just hilarious and again, explain why it sucked. Jim Dudelson is the co-director and producer and Ana Clavell is the other co-director / Writer/Editor and they are creepier than anyone in the movie. Just listen to their narration as they describe the making of the so called "movie." For cryin' out loud, one of the interns wrote the longest episode, (Rachell the "callgirl murderer.") The one question that I referred to that still was never answered is...How the hell does a film like this slip by the studio executives? I guess the answer lies in the fact that I paid to rent it in the first place! What a scam these straight to video movies are.
Cris in the Sopranos made one (Cleaver), and look what happened to him! Seriously though...The bigwigs that market these movies and sucker us into paying (anything) to see these movies should get the same treatment! Having their nose pinched while they drown in their own blood. CREEPY HUH?
Attila..Bridgeport Ct p.s.>> My subject title is a real song title. Do you know who recorded it? (Hint) 80's punk rock ala C.B.G.B.'s


---(How the hell does a film like this slip by the studio executives?)---

It didn't, they finance their own movies. They do whatever they want when they want which is a real SHAME when you have that kind of power without any talent.
