MovieChat Forums > Creepshow 3 (2007) Discussion > Not great, but still an ok watch

Not great, but still an ok watch

Hey everyone. I've been a huge fan of the Creepshow movies for a long time now and I'm sure many of you on here are as well. I read all the negative posts about this movie, but I don't usually base my decisions on other people's opinions. So I went and bought it. Nice thing was I had a $10 off coupon for Best Buy, so I got it for like $9.70. Anyways, I actually thought it was an ok movie. I liked how all the stories kind of tied together. The one thing I will say is that it should NOT be called Creepshow 3 or have anything to do with the series. It's nothing at all like it. Doesn't have the "Creepshow" comic in it, doesn't go into the stories from comic to live action, and doesn't even point out when the new stories start with a title or anything. If you don't look at it as a Creepshow movie and look at it as some other horror movie...I think people would like it a little more. As I said...A LITTLE


agreed wasnt great but wasnt the worst ever


that is exactly what i was about to post. its an ok movie but since its called creepshow 3 and isn't anything like the other creepshow movies is why its getting all this negitive feedback.


yeah your gonna have higher expectations with the "creepshow" title but lucky for me i read up on alot of the pre-production stage of this flick a couple years back and got the skinny on who was behind it(the day of the dead 2 guys)so i lowered my expectations and when all the bad reveiws started to come in lowered them some more also with the low budget indi-facts i was pretty much ready!so when it was all said and done it was actually better than i thought it was going to be,like you said not the greatest but they thru some cool twists in(like they did in day of the dead 2) to the tired genre storys and kept it very comicbooky plus im always down for more of a good thing even if its bad, in other words bad sequels to good stuff but thats just my humble opinion and as alwayz your free to have yourz!cheers mates

p.s.everybody cant hate it


I expected it to be bad, and it was, so I liked it :)


Same thing with me. I haven't seen Creepshow 1 or 2 ( I am going to now, since everyone keeps bragging about how those were so much better) but I thought creepshow 3 was ok. I liked how they all the storylines intertwined. Sometimes it was funny, sometimes gross. The first story was like that, funny and gross. It was fun to see that annoying brat get what she deserved. The second story was creppy with a nice plot twist at the end ( although I always wondered why he never questioned why his radio talked and just immediately did whatever it asked him to). The third one kinda sucked- it didn't make sense and it was boring. I liked the one about the two students- that was probably my fav. It was FUNNY! I'm sorry, but if you are hating this movie, it is only because 1) You are a hugely disappointed creepshow fan( I understand, it sucks when you fav. movie series lets you down) 2) You tried to take the movie seriously.

Because I had no expectations whatsoever, I though this movie was hilarious with a suprising scary scene every now and then ( like when the vampireish guy jumped up to kill the prostitute.)

I have seen worse movies make bigger hits. The Grudge was absolutely *beep* retarded and was not scary, but it was a huge hit because Sarah Michelle Gellar was in it and it had a few bits of good cgi. I was pissed at how much it sucked after I read the review. This is definately not the worst thing I've ever seen. In fact, I thought it was very original. It's ok if you think it sucked to be a Creepshow film, but I appreciate it for what it does have- cheesy, funny scenes and ocassionally scary moments.


May I ask, is it worth waiting days on end for it to finish downloading so I can actually see it?



An ok watch? Did we watch the same film? The version I saw was purely and simply crap. And that's being nice about it.


Same. I don't see any redeeming qualities to this piece of donkey crap.

