Apparently the movie studio behind this monstrosity believes we the fans of the original(their targot audience) won't bother to check, and see that George Romero is listed 5th as writer (sure, yeah right..He signed a consent form to use his name, so that makes him a writer), and that Stephen King's name is no where's in the credits other than it's trailer advertizing.
How, or why they'd bother to create this is beyond comprehension. I seriously doubt this movie company could afford even a quarter of the original's budget. This movie company staff must be on crack, that's my only logical theory.
Yeah because obviously a movie cannot be good without stale wood actors like hanks right? i would rather see unknowns then these crappy so called famous good actors
I'm watching it as I write this. Atrocious. I still have no idea what the first story is about. Sloppy writing, terrible acting, and distinctly amateurish directing. I could go on, but why bother. I've seen it so you don't need to. 2/10
why are you people judging this before you see it? dont be foolish, give it a try. i am a huge romero fan and i LOVE creepshow, although i was a little disapointed with the second. creepshow is still the movie i show to girls i bring home, it is a great snuggle up with a girl movie...
i just finished watching 3 and i loved it. in fact i would say it was better than the second one! who cares if it has no name actors in it? give the movie a try before you flame, idiots!
the stories connect in really clever ways and by the end of it i was so happy. this is not the best horror in the world but if you like tales from the crypt than you will be a good one for you.
Even if most people hate it, does that mean it's bad? Hmmmmmm. I personally can't wait to see it and i don't give a cr@p about the name actors or not. Correct me if I am wrong, please, but did the second one have any enthralling name actors besides george kennedy, and he's more of a secondary role type? And why does everybody say this is so "cheap"? what's cheap about it?
Well, a lot of people hated this movie before they saw it for several reasons. For me, it was the people behind it. They might own the rights to George Romero's Day of the Dead, and Creepshow, but that doesn't mean go out and make cheap sequels.
Have you ever seen Day of the Dead 2 : Contagium? Its by the same people behind this movie. Its horrible, very, very horrible. This movie is basically the same thing. It might not have any big name actors, and really who cares about that, but the effects are cheap, the "comic" animation is VERY poorly done, the writing sucks, as does the acting. Again, Taurus Entertainment owns the rights to the movie, but why make a sequel if your just going to do it poorly, to make a cheap buck off of someone else's name? In this case, its Romero again who gets screwed, but also Stephen King too.
Just download it off of your favorite torrent site, watch it, and you'll see how bad this movie is.
you can hate it all you want. but do you realize how stupid you sound when you say you hate it before you see it?
james cameron directed pirana 2 (although rarely credited) that movie sucked so bad, does that mean terminator sucks too? i hated the so called sequel to day of the dead as well, but i gave it a try though.
you said: "Well, a lot of people hated this movie before they saw it for several reasons"
what? did i just step into bizzaro world? hated it before you saw it? how? do you have esp? how can you hate anything before you see it? that is so stipid. that is like going to a restaurant and saying the food is bad when you walk in the lobby before you have a bite. saying i hated it before you watched it is so stupid...nevermind, i will just let your insane comment speak for itself. your comment gave us a good laugh though. hated it before you watched it. god in heaven, that is nuts. nuts.
That's hot! you got all riled up and hot under the collar over that cruiser, huh!! It's true that's it's crazy to say you hated the film before you saw it, but I suppose everyone's got a right to hate something, even before they see it if they want to hate it, even if it sounds stupid and insane. I suppose what he was saying was that he hated the fact that company made it and he had no faith in it being good when made by that company, Taurus? As for Romero and King being screwed over, I dunno but I think they'll recover !
Yes Trophywifed, thats what I was trying to say in my post, that I (and quite a few other people) hated the people behind it. After how they made Day of the Dead 2, you couldnt of gone into seeing Creepshow 3 with a different attitude, that would of been impossible.
Sorry, but I read so much about Taurus, about how they screwed over the webmaster of Dead of the Dead 2, how they didn't care about anything Romero did, and of course the movie, that all that hate poured over into Creepshow 3. Its their own fault, you make a crappy movie, what do you expect?
The part where the security guard sneaks into the abandoned apartment is classic.
He gets attacked by a cat ( attacked and cat are used VERY loosely ). It was very clear that someone just hurled a beanie baby at his forehead. 5 STARS FOR THAT PART!