If this movie was attempting to be a parody,and was admitting than then I'll lighten up a bit. I'm going to keep acting like this movie was never made unless the Dudelsons are willing to admit it is a parody,unless they have.
I think their excuse on the DVD for the effects was that it was on a low budget. But even low budget movies can be master pieces, you just have to have the right people helping. And I think we can all agree that "Alice" was the worst story of this one, even though "Haunted Dog" was pretty close too,since it ripped off The Hitchhiker so badly.
"Haunted Dog" - An a$$hole doctor, who has an addiction to pill popping seems to be the person who makes everyone elses day bad and you have no sympathy for him,and hope he dies. (Very much like Upston Pratt) He buys a hot dog and gives it to a homeless person after it fell on the ground. The guy chocks to death and the doc does nothing to help him, and then starts haunting him.
"The Hitchhiker" - Annie is on her way to work somewhere I believe,after spending the night with her lover (having an affair) and does a hit and run on a hitchhiker who later starts to haunt her.
"Life is pleasant.Death is peaceful.It's the transition that's troublesome." - Isaac Asimov