The scariest part

In the last story (haunted hot dog bum) when the actor playing the doctor just riffs for 5 minutes pretending to see patients "have him buy 2 bottles of wine, drink the whole bottle, and you'll never have to see me again." Why is he so sleepy? Spooky.


The scariest part was the opening animated segment, and how poor it was. It looked worse than an amateur flash animation.


I know it wasn't even animated. It was just a still and they just moved the camera around. Hilarious! What about the giant fake vampire chins. Was it a vampire? Or did he just have perma-grin from too much pot. Spooky.


It looked like Baraka from Mortal Kombat. I loved the awful scene where the vampires randomly changed at the party. So awful.


Why did it take those students so long to figure out they were killing a real woman? "Look at this brain! It even jiggles the right way". What? This is one of the worst movies ever made. And I love bad movies.


Bad movies that are so bad they're entertaining are really fun. This was beyond bad, to the point of being not just awful, but an utter bore to watch. Anyone who participated in its creation should be ashamed.


The scariest part was actually putting the Dvd in and pushing play.


The scariest part of this film is realising somebody actually bankrolled the piece of wank.

The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime


With Steve, I agree.
Its indeed scary to know that a movie like this exists; to think that someone conceived it & that someone also agreed to invest in it is indeed haunting.

<profile updated> The absence of love is abject pain.


Maybe he just hadn't really been sleeping.

The vampires at the party was creepy. &


Scariest part is the hot dog guy at the end with his face melting in a horrible CGI mess.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


I would say the acting was the scariest part.

tHe MuRdER CaPiTaL oF thE woRLd

"walk into this world with you head up high"

