Ticked -- Sacagawea
Where I am from, there are PLENTY of part and full-blooded American Indian actresses that would have been great for this role. Heck, I have a friend who is full-blooded Shoshone, gorgeous, and could have knocked whoever this Japanese girl is on her ass. The casters should have been much more respectful to our people and offered the role to an actress who was at least any tribe of American Indian, if not specifically Shoshone, rather than an actress with NO American Indian blood and no idea of the importance of our ancestors. It's because of stupid, thoughtless things like this that I have been told multiple times, "what? You're Native American? Those don't exist anymore, they're all dead!" No, we're not. And WE want to represent our people; we don't want YOU (the masses of other races) doing so. - A Choctaw/Cherokee