Youd figure a place guarding millions of dollars worth or artifacts and pieces of history would invest in some cameras........ I know I know its a movie........ And they were cutting back on expenses....... But come on, what are kids retarded today or something? no one will think of that?
The security just kind of disappears when the things come to life. The other guards and video surveillance cameras we see early on in the film just poof out of existence, It's one of those things you just have to accept.
It's a plot hole for sure. Perhaps we have to just overlook it. However, maybe there is a camera room we simply weren't shown, but the people who work/own the place know about it. The only problem with that is, if that were true, Ben's character could have shown his boss, the women he worked with, or his son, or his ex-wife, etc the tape to prove he's not nuts and/or to explain the damage to the place the next morning.
Why assume that the manager didn't know what was going on at night? Larry didn't necessarily get in trouble for making the mess himself. His job is to maintain order among the living exhibits. He failed to maintain order and that's why he got in trouble, for letting the exhibits out, for letting them trash the place, that's what the manager was upset about. He didn't need proof to clear his name. The manager knew what happened, he just wasn't happy about it.
Generally when there are security cameras and footage, the security guards are the ones monitoring it/cataloging sure the guards figured out a long time ago that they needed to delete/destroy the tapes.