MovieChat Forums > Night at the Museum (2006) Discussion > Why didn't the to-do list tell Larry to ...

Why didn't the to-do list tell Larry to carry out tasks like 'lock up th

e lions" before sunset? It's not like he'd have gotten fired if he'd shown up for his shift a few minutes early.


I don't think the list said lock up the lions before sunset. It just said "lock up the lions or they'll eat you".

Maybe he should have done this all before sunset but the first day, he obviously didn't know what was going to happen. He could have thrown the bone, so when Rexy, who wakes up first, wakes up, he'll know it's gone and go searching for it. Then gone down the list before the sun even went down. But again, he didn't know they were going to come to life. After that, he just figured out what worked best for him.

