MovieChat Forums > Unstoppable (2010) Discussion > Liked RUNAWAY TRAIN Better


There I've said it.... don't have any reasons and I'm a big Tony Scott fan but I've always loved Runaway Train (1985) and I prefer it to Unstoppable......that's my story and I'm sticking to it...


It's a far better film with less of men who are screw ups in relationship tripe we're forced to watch as a way of fluffing up the story.
Jon Vought's speech about getting a job and doing what your boss says is far better sub plot than the usual man can't see his kids crap In here


I cant believe someone else latched onto that line too. It defines the whole movie. Other than the crazed warden and bimbo railroad assistant, RT is excellent, much better than Unstoppable. It's also a great cold weather movie. You can just feel how cold the outside of that engine is. Oddly, another great movie with a ho-hum title s Ghost Ship.


Yep arnomation, I completely agree.

They're not really comparable, other than having similar story setups, because they're different genres; and like you I love Tony Scott's style; but yeah, Runaway Train is a much better movie overall.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.
