my dogs in this movie

my dog Houdini is in this movie. He plays Fabio hes got a scene on the beach with a dalamantion in the movie named Lola.

I was there and watched them train my dog and the other dog, Lola.

I also watched them shoot the scene, it was pretty interesting to watch. Watch for my dog hes an Afghan Hound!!


My dog is also in this movie. He is one of the Irish terriers that plays the main character, Rexxx. I was told that he took on the stunt role with all the running, jumping and crazy stuff. I was wondering if you saw him and met Ursula his trainer. I'm interested in any info regarding this movie that he was in.



Curious since all the Irish are owned by the the trainer's company.


Hi there,

Was your irish terriers name Frodo? I saw an Irish terrier while training he can jump very high!!!! Yes, I met Ursula.


I recently got a dog from a rescue and his name is Frodo and we were told that he was in the movie. The rescue people told us that after the movie someone took him in but couldnt handle him so they sent him to the rescue. If anyone knows what he did in the movie please tell. I am very interested. He is an extremely smart dog as well. We have had him for only one week and he already knows many many commands and we hardly ever need to use a leash because he is so good.
And he can can jump very high.


check your private messages


Congratulatiosn! That's great....

I'm one of the dogster winenrs who will be in the end credits...I"ve told everyone at work they're invited to the screening at my house when it comes out...LOL all for about 2 seconds of my doggie's pic :)

That rocks that your dog is actually IN the movie though :)

