
why would anyone, in their infinite wisdom, bother to make a movie like this at all?


What didn't you like about it? I thought it was a fun movie, and it had a nice story. It's pretty much just your basic kids/family movie; if you like that genre, then you should enjoy this.


its a kid movie! Why do bother coming on here to crtitcise it?
You are obviously not a kid so i can see why you dont like it but some of us are kids, some just like the actors and some just...well, like it!

i bet if this was like Disturbia or something like that you wouldnt be critiucising it.
its a kids movie and kids movies most of the time do not satisfy teens/adults.


also because "infinate wisdom" is not a term that people use...


i LOVED that movie
i might go see it again tonight

Judith Barsi is still alive, and her name is Bailee Madison



I'd agree that it's a kids movie in a lot of ways, but it's easy for adults to get into it too, because it delves into family tragedies, a father and son trying to connect with each other, and a community fire station trying to get back on its feet. Personally, i think a lot of kids under the age of 10 or 11 would probably be bored with it (except for the dutiful fart jokes thrown in here and there), but if you're an older kid or an adult, there's a lot to like about it.



Well, you are entitled to your own opinion if that's how you feel. I, for one, thought it was a good story and a strong acting performance from Josh Hutcherson. He always does a nice job, so I enjoy going to his movies.

A lot of people thought this movie was stupid, but I loved it, and for what it's worth--just a simple, basic family film--it's worth seeing.



The movies you mentioned were actually geared to adults as well. Firehouse Dog was not supposed to be a blockbuster like ET or Bugs Life, etc. Just some entertainment.

As that it was great. My wife liked it a lot and it was ok for me.

Problem is too many adults want "kid's" movies to be able to cater directly to them...it's a hard bridge to cross.



I agree with you. This movie is a great kids film and I loved it!

I considered taking my five year old son to see it, but was cautious and went alone. I think he'd have enjoyed it though.

I liked the story. You are right, many people want adultised kids films.

Don't knock it people. It is a very well told story. How often are movies made about firefighters anyway?


Yes it is - i often use it, but I spell it correctly

