Questions to firemen or ones that may know. Contains Spoilers
1. At the end of the movie when the captain/dad is breaking down the big garage door of the firehouse with an ax & then goes in, shouldn’t he have already had his breathing tank/mask on? Is it because firehouse captains usually don’t go into the fire? Their job is to give orders & supervise the scene?
2. Also, in that same scene, Joe doesn’t have a fire suit, helmet, etc, on. Do fire stations have someone who’s sole responsibility is to drive the truck, radio into dispatch, work the pressure of the water tank/engine (or whatever it is called) & truck ladder?
3. At the scene where the dad’s on one side of the metal door, Shane & Dewey on the other, Shane tells him to break the glass & give him the ax so he can break off the door hinges and dad tells him, “If I break the glass the fire is going to flash over.” How come it didn’t and wouldn’t it be the same for the door as well? I guess I don’t understand how a flash over happens/why it happens, or what it is exactly.
I also want to say to all the firemen who may read this,